On this episode of The Demia Avery Show, we are chatting it up with the lovely actress, Kron Moore of Tyler Perry's "The Oval" and DC Universe "Stargirl".
Kron is so much more than watch you see on your television screens each week. Check out my interview and get to know her! #tylerperry #theovalonbet #stargirl #kronmoore #thedemiaaveryshow #entertainmentnews #celebrityinterviews
00:00:00 --> 00:00:03 this is the deia Avery show hosted by
00:00:03 --> 00:00:05 deia Avery with some of your favorite
00:00:05 --> 00:00:08 entertainers celebs and entrepreneurs
00:00:08 --> 00:00:12 come to highlight all of their many
00:00:12 --> 00:00:15 [Music]
00:00:15 --> 00:00:20 [Applause]
00:00:20 --> 00:00:22 talents hello hello hello everyone this
00:00:22 --> 00:00:25 is deia Avery of the deia Avery show and
00:00:25 --> 00:00:29 yes we have a doozy in the studio today
00:00:29 --> 00:00:32 please welcome welcome actress producer
00:00:32 --> 00:00:34 entrepreneur the very beautiful inside
00:00:34 --> 00:00:38 and out Karen Moore welcome thank you
00:00:38 --> 00:00:41 for having meia oh you are so welcome
00:00:41 --> 00:00:43 I'm so glad to see your smiling face I
00:00:43 --> 00:00:46 don't know what to do it's
00:00:46 --> 00:00:49 good and it's good to be back you know
00:00:49 --> 00:00:51 in we because we've done an interview
00:00:51 --> 00:00:54 before yes ma'
00:00:54 --> 00:00:58 back like this space I know I know so
00:00:58 --> 00:01:00 listen I'mma jump right into because we
00:01:00 --> 00:01:03 have a lot to cover listen guys this is
00:01:03 --> 00:01:05 a busy woman so we're going to try to to
00:01:05 --> 00:01:08 to get it all in here really good so
00:01:08 --> 00:01:11 anyways first we know that the oval this
00:01:11 --> 00:01:13 is the new season this is the new season
00:01:13 --> 00:01:16 that's how are you feeling that the fans
00:01:16 --> 00:01:18 are still Fanning with you girl they
00:01:18 --> 00:01:21 they still got that over itch tuning in
00:01:21 --> 00:01:22 each and every week how does that make
00:01:22 --> 00:01:26 you feel amazing you know I never in a
00:01:26 --> 00:01:29 million years you know I've I've wanted
00:01:29 --> 00:01:31 to act for a long time and I've been
00:01:31 --> 00:01:35 acting for quite a few years and I never
00:01:35 --> 00:01:39 got into it for the fame but for the
00:01:39 --> 00:01:40 love of the the craft the love of the
00:01:40 --> 00:01:44 art and like my life changed pretty much
00:01:44 --> 00:01:46 overnight with theal especially being
00:01:47 --> 00:01:48 that it's shot in Atlanta and I happen
00:01:48 --> 00:01:51 to reside in the Atlanta area it's just
00:01:51 --> 00:01:55 like Tyler Perry is like everything here
00:01:55 --> 00:01:59 right so it's just been amazing to have
00:01:59 --> 00:02:03 been received so well and for us to have
00:02:03 --> 00:02:05 maintained our audience for this is our
00:02:05 --> 00:02:10 sixth season W gosh yeah and you know
00:02:10 --> 00:02:12 it's it it
00:02:12 --> 00:02:18 feels validating you know in since um
00:02:18 --> 00:02:20 and to know that people enjoy it so much
00:02:20 --> 00:02:23 like I mean and it's crazy because I'll
00:02:23 --> 00:02:26 be anywhere I I like to travel so I'll
00:02:26 --> 00:02:28 be anywhere in the country or even
00:02:28 --> 00:02:32 overseas and will like fan out and I
00:02:32 --> 00:02:34 guess I'm still haven't I still haven't
00:02:34 --> 00:02:37 settled into that so out I'm looking
00:02:37 --> 00:02:40 around like oh who is it who is it I'm
00:02:40 --> 00:02:43 oh me yeah like I was at I was in New
00:02:43 --> 00:02:46 York for the um when Jay-Z had his
00:02:46 --> 00:02:48 exhibit at the library in Brooklyn the
00:02:48 --> 00:02:52 hve exhibit and I'm walking along and
00:02:53 --> 00:02:56 this guy had a really heavy Parisian
00:02:56 --> 00:02:58 accent and I'm just like and he's he's
00:02:58 --> 00:03:01 Fanning out and I'm just like it I don't
00:03:01 --> 00:03:04 do do you know who I don't think like no
00:03:04 --> 00:03:07 no no the over the I'm like oh my God
00:03:07 --> 00:03:11 she's just like we love you I'm like wow
00:03:11 --> 00:03:16 yeah amazing so it's I'm so
00:03:16 --> 00:03:19 incredibly grateful for our fans they
00:03:19 --> 00:03:21 they've been with us and hopefully we'll
00:03:21 --> 00:03:25 pick up more um as things go along and
00:03:25 --> 00:03:27 as the story changes and evolves so I'm
00:03:28 --> 00:03:30 grateful for it you know the fans you
00:03:30 --> 00:03:33 know what I love because I I I watch you
00:03:33 --> 00:03:37 know I'm a social media a holic so your
00:03:37 --> 00:03:39 fans have been with you from the very
00:03:39 --> 00:03:42 beginning so they're they're watching
00:03:42 --> 00:03:45 you from the very first episode of the
00:03:45 --> 00:03:48 oval up until now so they're like I
00:03:48 --> 00:03:49 think they think they really really know
00:03:50 --> 00:03:52 you like I think they think Victoria is
00:03:53 --> 00:03:54 is
00:03:54 --> 00:03:58 real some of them do do they and those
00:03:58 --> 00:04:01 encounters are pretty interesting I
00:04:01 --> 00:04:05 bet I bet I bet they've been pretty
00:04:05 --> 00:04:08 interesting uh I love it I love it so
00:04:08 --> 00:04:10 listen I got an odd question for you now
00:04:10 --> 00:04:12 let's put Tyler Perry's vision for
00:04:12 --> 00:04:17 Victoria aside okay if Kon Moore had the
00:04:17 --> 00:04:21 pen where or how would you like to see
00:04:21 --> 00:04:24 Victoria's character progress or take
00:04:24 --> 00:04:29 shap I think uh she would still be messy
00:04:29 --> 00:04:35 uhhuh but I think um I would make her a
00:04:35 --> 00:04:38 bit more refined and Polished and then
00:04:38 --> 00:04:42 you just see Pops of the you know yeah
00:04:42 --> 00:04:45 the hook come up every now and then um
00:04:45 --> 00:04:51 and I would like to actually see
00:04:51 --> 00:04:56 her actually take power over the yeah I
00:04:56 --> 00:04:58 mean I would like to actually and
00:04:58 --> 00:04:59 because it seems like she's been putting
00:04:59 --> 00:05:02 out fires all over the place for the
00:05:02 --> 00:05:04 entire run of the show I would like to
00:05:04 --> 00:05:09 see her actually calling the shots and I
00:05:09 --> 00:05:14 would also like to see her with a
00:05:14 --> 00:05:19 um uh kind of an ally a woman Ally a
00:05:19 --> 00:05:21 female Al now that would be
00:05:21 --> 00:05:24 interesting yeah because I don't think
00:05:24 --> 00:05:28 the audience has seen Victoria yet in a
00:05:28 --> 00:05:29 genuine
00:05:29 --> 00:05:33 uh like girlfriend relationship yeah
00:05:33 --> 00:05:36 yeah so I I think she she she is uh
00:05:37 --> 00:05:40 manipulative and conniving uh to get
00:05:40 --> 00:05:42 what she wants right but it interesting
00:05:42 --> 00:05:45 I think to see her kind of you know have
00:05:45 --> 00:05:49 some some black girl Unity or some girl
00:05:49 --> 00:05:53 yeah I love that I'd love
00:05:53 --> 00:05:57 that H that's something to think about
00:05:57 --> 00:06:00 but okay so listen
00:06:00 --> 00:06:02 now you've been you've been acting for
00:06:02 --> 00:06:04 quite a while um even before the oval
00:06:04 --> 00:06:06 even though people may not know that or
00:06:06 --> 00:06:08 think that or
00:06:08 --> 00:06:11 whatever what would you
00:06:11 --> 00:06:16 say that um would be be one of the
00:06:16 --> 00:06:19 biggest lessons that you've learned so
00:06:19 --> 00:06:21 far from from your career what would you
00:06:21 --> 00:06:23 say will be one of the biggest lessons
00:06:23 --> 00:06:26 that you've
00:06:26 --> 00:06:30 learned um there are two big lessons uh
00:06:30 --> 00:06:32 there's so many but the two that stand
00:06:32 --> 00:06:37 out to me right now are um number
00:06:37 --> 00:06:42 one there's no there's no place for
00:06:42 --> 00:06:45 huus in this in in this industry you can
00:06:45 --> 00:06:49 not make assumptions based on what you
00:06:49 --> 00:06:53 feel about yourself or how you know
00:06:53 --> 00:07:00 um yeah yeah you really need to
00:07:00 --> 00:07:03 be be humble and
00:07:03 --> 00:07:07 also
00:07:07 --> 00:07:09 um be
00:07:09 --> 00:07:11 kind to everyone because people don't
00:07:12 --> 00:07:15 who don't work I I I would I'd like to
00:07:15 --> 00:07:17 say I'm a kind person anyway but I've
00:07:17 --> 00:07:21 seen how you know interactions happen on
00:07:21 --> 00:07:25 set between the Actors and The Crew or
00:07:25 --> 00:07:30 the actors and um background actors
00:07:30 --> 00:07:33 and um it's not always pretty and I'm
00:07:33 --> 00:07:36 not talking about like necessarily on
00:07:36 --> 00:07:38 the set of Tyler perod but just in
00:07:38 --> 00:07:41 general yeah i' that
00:07:41 --> 00:07:44 um I prefer to treat everyone the same
00:07:44 --> 00:07:46 so if you're the star of the show I'm
00:07:46 --> 00:07:49 going to treat you the same as I would
00:07:49 --> 00:07:52 the janitorial staff the custodial staff
00:07:52 --> 00:07:53 because it takes
00:07:53 --> 00:07:59 everyone to make a project work you know
00:07:59 --> 00:08:02 no matter there are no small roles so
00:08:02 --> 00:08:03 just because you're behind the camera
00:08:03 --> 00:08:05 you know I feel as though there should
00:08:05 --> 00:08:09 be no special treatment you know be
00:08:09 --> 00:08:13 treated equally special yeah now would
00:08:13 --> 00:08:15 you say with your role as Victoria do
00:08:15 --> 00:08:17 people have a misconception of you like
00:08:17 --> 00:08:19 automatically think that that's who you
00:08:19 --> 00:08:22 are is that like all the time all the
00:08:22 --> 00:08:27 time yeah all the I have a really qu a
00:08:27 --> 00:08:30 funny story like okay so my um
00:08:30 --> 00:08:32 my friend well I'm not my friend my my
00:08:32 --> 00:08:37 my partner uh got a call some weird call
00:08:37 --> 00:08:40 from one of their friends
00:08:40 --> 00:08:42 and he
00:08:42 --> 00:08:44 said
00:08:44 --> 00:08:48 that they were arguing so his brother
00:08:48 --> 00:08:50 called and his brother had a friend of
00:08:50 --> 00:08:52 his on the on on the line and they were
00:08:52 --> 00:08:55 talking they were talking politics right
00:08:55 --> 00:08:57 and they were going back and forth that
00:08:57 --> 00:08:59 back and forth and then my partner's
00:08:59 --> 00:09:02 brother called him and he said will you
00:09:02 --> 00:09:03 tell this man cuz you know all about
00:09:03 --> 00:09:05 politics whatever will you tell this man
00:09:05 --> 00:09:07 that you know such and such isn't going
00:09:07 --> 00:09:10 on in in in the government he's like
00:09:10 --> 00:09:12 because I know you know all about these
00:09:12 --> 00:09:14 things and then
00:09:14 --> 00:09:16 uh the guy got on the phone he's just
00:09:16 --> 00:09:18 like this guy doesn't know what he's
00:09:18 --> 00:09:20 talking about you know the brother of my
00:09:20 --> 00:09:22 partner um friend got on the line he's
00:09:22 --> 00:09:23 like he doesn't know what he's talking
00:09:23 --> 00:09:26 about and he was just like oh man you
00:09:26 --> 00:09:28 know I I I really don't want to get into
00:09:28 --> 00:09:31 politics with you and so my
00:09:32 --> 00:09:34 partner's my partner's
00:09:34 --> 00:09:39 brother said you know this this this man
00:09:39 --> 00:09:42 is with my um uh my sister-in-law
00:09:42 --> 00:09:43 remember I told you about her he was
00:09:43 --> 00:09:47 like oh oh oh Victoria from the oval he
00:09:47 --> 00:09:50 was like never mind never
00:09:50 --> 00:09:56 mind up my house he was serious wait
00:09:56 --> 00:10:00 what oh my gosh for those who haven't
00:10:00 --> 00:10:03 had an opportunity to uh meet me in
00:10:03 --> 00:10:07 person or you know catch me on you know
00:10:07 --> 00:10:09 a live or an interview or whatever I'm
00:10:09 --> 00:10:12 the biggest goofball I
00:10:12 --> 00:10:15 know I love to laugh I I love to have
00:10:15 --> 00:10:19 fun and my character is a true depart my
00:10:19 --> 00:10:20 personal character is a true departure
00:10:20 --> 00:10:23 from Victoria so yeah and I'm so glad
00:10:23 --> 00:10:25 that you said that because I know you I
00:10:26 --> 00:10:28 know you and it's so funny because I
00:10:28 --> 00:10:31 think
00:10:31 --> 00:10:35 um who was it was somebody that I know
00:10:35 --> 00:10:37 and and I it was somebody's relative and
00:10:37 --> 00:10:39 they was like I said oh she's such a
00:10:39 --> 00:10:42 sweetheart and they was like oh but
00:10:42 --> 00:10:44 she's so mean I said that's her care you
00:10:44 --> 00:10:48 do understand that that's her character
00:10:48 --> 00:10:51 on the show but it's so funny that they
00:10:51 --> 00:10:52 just
00:10:52 --> 00:10:55 attach you know attach now do you think
00:10:55 --> 00:10:57 that
00:10:57 --> 00:11:02 that how can I put
00:11:02 --> 00:11:07 it does that hurt you anyway like when
00:11:07 --> 00:11:10 you when you go to meet different people
00:11:10 --> 00:11:12 does do by them
00:11:12 --> 00:11:15 automatically putting that on
00:11:15 --> 00:11:18 you I don't think it causes any harm I
00:11:18 --> 00:11:19 think
00:11:20 --> 00:11:23 that um I'm pretty good at disarming
00:11:23 --> 00:11:27 people relatively quickly okay yes this
00:11:27 --> 00:11:30 is like you know they might see you know
00:11:30 --> 00:11:34 what they might see Victoria show up but
00:11:34 --> 00:11:35 then when I start interacting with them
00:11:35 --> 00:11:38 they're just like
00:11:38 --> 00:11:42 oh cool you know kind of thing yeah yeah
00:11:42 --> 00:11:46 very cool very cool now listen I know
00:11:46 --> 00:11:50 that and and and a lot of people
00:11:50 --> 00:11:52 probably don't know that you had a
00:11:52 --> 00:11:53 background in
00:11:53 --> 00:11:57 theater and that you can actually
00:11:57 --> 00:11:59 sing yes
00:11:59 --> 00:12:03 that you can that you can that you can
00:12:03 --> 00:12:04 actually sing and you have a background
00:12:04 --> 00:12:07 in theater and you know you've had a
00:12:07 --> 00:12:11 career way before the oval and and all
00:12:11 --> 00:12:15 and star girl and and things of that
00:12:15 --> 00:12:18 sort what would you say would be more
00:12:18 --> 00:12:21 challenging is it is it is theater more
00:12:21 --> 00:12:23 challenging is you know feel more
00:12:23 --> 00:12:25 challenging what would you say be is
00:12:25 --> 00:12:28 more challenging for you uh they're two
00:12:28 --> 00:12:29 different animals
00:12:29 --> 00:12:32 right so you know coming from yes I am a
00:12:32 --> 00:12:35 theater baby so and as a matter of fact
00:12:35 --> 00:12:37 that was one of the first questions that
00:12:37 --> 00:12:40 Tyler asked me the first time we spoke
00:12:40 --> 00:12:42 he's like uh have you done any theater
00:12:42 --> 00:12:43 and I'm just like I come from the
00:12:43 --> 00:12:49 theater World um so I I'll say that both
00:12:49 --> 00:12:54 have their own challenges um theater
00:12:55 --> 00:13:02 and in regard to the level of
00:13:02 --> 00:13:04 preparedness you have to have like
00:13:04 --> 00:13:06 there's no opportunity for you to get a
00:13:06 --> 00:13:10 redo so if you you a show for a weekend
00:13:10 --> 00:13:14 or for three years you have one
00:13:14 --> 00:13:16 opportunity to
00:13:16 --> 00:13:19 perform that piece for that particular
00:13:19 --> 00:13:22 audience so you know the show is going
00:13:22 --> 00:13:24 to be different every single time yeah
00:13:24 --> 00:13:26 you know get you know the audience is
00:13:26 --> 00:13:28 going to get something different because
00:13:28 --> 00:13:29 the actors
00:13:29 --> 00:13:32 um you know they they they they evolve
00:13:32 --> 00:13:34 and they they learn more about
00:13:34 --> 00:13:35 themselves and their characters and you
00:13:35 --> 00:13:37 know they add to or take away from so
00:13:37 --> 00:13:40 you know it's challenging in that regard
00:13:40 --> 00:13:42 yeah
00:13:42 --> 00:13:45 um and it's it's it's definitely a time
00:13:45 --> 00:13:46 commitment if you do theater it's just
00:13:46 --> 00:13:50 like you you have to be locked in um
00:13:50 --> 00:13:54 yeah and then film and television
00:13:54 --> 00:13:56 there's a little more grace because you
00:13:56 --> 00:14:03 know we take things oh to typically
00:14:03 --> 00:14:06 now but typically we get we take things
00:14:06 --> 00:14:08 over and over again and then they turn
00:14:08 --> 00:14:09 the cameras around and adjust the
00:14:10 --> 00:14:11 lighting and we take you know the same
00:14:11 --> 00:14:14 scene so it can take hours to do one
00:14:14 --> 00:14:19 scene in fil and so um for that it's
00:14:19 --> 00:14:24 challenging now coming from the Tyler
00:14:24 --> 00:14:27 Perry Camp because we move so fast it's
00:14:27 --> 00:14:30 just like just taking so
00:14:30 --> 00:14:32 long we should have been now kind of
00:14:32 --> 00:14:35 thing yeah but I mean it's it's it's
00:14:35 --> 00:14:38 just challenging and And in regards to
00:14:38 --> 00:14:42 me adjusting to the tempo uh
00:14:42 --> 00:14:45 of now I wonder if you know when you go
00:14:46 --> 00:14:49 to your your next project and things
00:14:49 --> 00:14:52 don't move as quickly how would your how
00:14:52 --> 00:14:54 would you react to that because you be
00:14:54 --> 00:14:57 like you probably would be like let me
00:14:57 --> 00:14:59 why is this take it
00:14:59 --> 00:15:02 why is this taking so long you know I
00:15:02 --> 00:15:03 wonder how you would react to that whole
00:15:04 --> 00:15:05 thing because you kind of went through
00:15:05 --> 00:15:07 that you well not kind of but you've
00:15:07 --> 00:15:09 gone through that whole Tyler
00:15:09 --> 00:15:11 Perry get it get it get it let's get it
00:15:11 --> 00:15:15 and let's get it done you know so uh I
00:15:16 --> 00:15:18 have I have had uh some acting
00:15:18 --> 00:15:21 opportunities you know during the course
00:15:21 --> 00:15:24 of me being with Tyler Perry and it has
00:15:25 --> 00:15:27 in my initial thing is just like why is
00:15:27 --> 00:15:29 this taking so long but um
00:15:29 --> 00:15:32 um it's kind of enjoyable because you
00:15:32 --> 00:15:34 get a you can you get a chance to
00:15:34 --> 00:15:39 breathe and you know I get a chance to
00:15:39 --> 00:15:43 um play a little bit more my castmates
00:15:43 --> 00:15:45 and my character because we take it so
00:15:45 --> 00:15:47 many different times I can make
00:15:47 --> 00:15:50 different choices each time oh love that
00:15:50 --> 00:15:53 love that now is there a SK I'm sorry go
00:15:53 --> 00:15:56 ahead no it affords me that latitude and
00:15:56 --> 00:15:59 so that's that's something that um I
00:15:59 --> 00:16:01 appreciate about being on other sets
00:16:01 --> 00:16:05 yeah now is there a skill that you wish
00:16:05 --> 00:16:06 you had learned or you would like to
00:16:06 --> 00:16:08 learn to help your career like I don't
00:16:08 --> 00:16:11 know martial arts or or something like
00:16:11 --> 00:16:15 that let's see I've taken martial arts
00:16:15 --> 00:16:19 um I would say weapons
00:16:20 --> 00:16:22 training which is something i' I've
00:16:22 --> 00:16:26 begun uh gotten like my I haven't dug my
00:16:26 --> 00:16:28 feet all the way into it but okay
00:16:28 --> 00:16:32 training and
00:16:32 --> 00:16:35 um stunt
00:16:35 --> 00:16:38 training nice jar mentioned stunt
00:16:38 --> 00:16:40 training and I I I've always wanted to
00:16:40 --> 00:16:43 you know you know be a kick butt kind of
00:16:43 --> 00:16:46 actor literally you know I want to have
00:16:46 --> 00:16:49 you know action role and it's cool
00:16:49 --> 00:16:53 because I'm seeing so many I'll say m
00:16:53 --> 00:16:56 what what people would consider
00:16:56 --> 00:17:01 mature actresses you
00:17:01 --> 00:17:03 in in in action roles you know you have
00:17:03 --> 00:17:06 you know your rajie P
00:17:06 --> 00:17:08 Henson um I think Angela bassard still
00:17:08 --> 00:17:12 dabble I mean so you're seeing women you
00:17:12 --> 00:17:14 know who are a little bit more mature
00:17:14 --> 00:17:15 but you know they can still give Charlie
00:17:15 --> 00:17:21 Faron you know yeah okay so if if there
00:17:21 --> 00:17:25 was a movie you had wish that you could
00:17:25 --> 00:17:28 have played in what would that what
00:17:28 --> 00:17:31 movie would that have
00:17:31 --> 00:17:33 that's a good one
00:17:33 --> 00:17:37 um I'd say black panther really yeah and
00:17:37 --> 00:17:39 what in what role would that have been
00:17:40 --> 00:17:42 oh gosh now that's that
00:17:42 --> 00:17:47 that oh no no no black pther yes but let
00:17:47 --> 00:17:50 me let me modify that my first choice
00:17:50 --> 00:17:52 probably would have been woman
00:17:52 --> 00:17:57 King yes yes yes I don't gosh she is an
00:17:57 --> 00:17:59 amazing actor please please forgive me
00:17:59 --> 00:18:01 please forgive me I cannot remember her
00:18:01 --> 00:18:03 name but she's written so many things
00:18:03 --> 00:18:07 but she was she was kind of she was the
00:18:07 --> 00:18:10 the the daughter
00:18:10 --> 00:18:16 of yeah yeah oh my gosh it wasn't she
00:18:16 --> 00:18:18 amazing she's amazing in everything I've
00:18:18 --> 00:18:23 seen her in but yeah to have dedicated
00:18:23 --> 00:18:28 as much time and effort to learn how you
00:18:28 --> 00:18:30 know to
00:18:30 --> 00:18:32 to to fight and you know to to
00:18:32 --> 00:18:37 to be a warrior I think that's that's
00:18:37 --> 00:18:38 amazing that that's that's pretty
00:18:38 --> 00:18:40 special so I I I would love to do
00:18:40 --> 00:18:42 something like that oh that would have
00:18:42 --> 00:18:43 been awesome I would have Lov you know
00:18:43 --> 00:18:45 what role I would have love to seen you
00:18:45 --> 00:18:48 play What's oh and I feel like you now I
00:18:48 --> 00:18:51 can't think of her name uh what's the
00:18:51 --> 00:18:56 the role that play next
00:18:56 --> 00:19:01 to kind of the assistant to
00:19:01 --> 00:19:05 um oh my gosh what's the what's the lead
00:19:05 --> 00:19:07 what's the lead uh of the of the movie
00:19:07 --> 00:19:11 woman King oh Viola Davis Viola Davis
00:19:11 --> 00:19:13 what was the the lady that played her
00:19:13 --> 00:19:16 her right hand you know what okay now I
00:19:16 --> 00:19:18 gotta Google
00:19:18 --> 00:19:22 it yes ah I know who you're talking
00:19:22 --> 00:19:23 about
00:19:23 --> 00:19:27 yes I would have loved to seen you play
00:19:27 --> 00:19:31 that yeah yeah yeah yeah
00:19:31 --> 00:19:34 um okay l
00:19:34 --> 00:19:38 so okay her role but then uh Lana Lynch
00:19:38 --> 00:19:42 yes yes she played
00:19:42 --> 00:19:46 isogi yeah yeah
00:19:46 --> 00:19:49 yeah tough
00:19:49 --> 00:19:52 boy she was tough and and her acting was
00:19:52 --> 00:19:57 so on point she brought so many colors
00:19:57 --> 00:19:59 and dimensions
00:19:59 --> 00:20:05 character uh yeah I can see that uh see
00:20:05 --> 00:20:09 that yes yes I love it I love it now
00:20:09 --> 00:20:14 effort to to I really wanted you on here
00:20:14 --> 00:20:17 because I wanted people to know more
00:20:17 --> 00:20:21 about you I wanted people to see beyond
00:20:21 --> 00:20:24 what they see on the TV every week and
00:20:24 --> 00:20:27 know I know the funny side of you I've
00:20:27 --> 00:20:29 seen the the Sil you know the silly side
00:20:30 --> 00:20:32 of you the serious side of you just the
00:20:32 --> 00:20:34 different facets of you and I just
00:20:34 --> 00:20:37 wanted to play a little game with you
00:20:37 --> 00:20:38 well first a couple of questions and
00:20:38 --> 00:20:40 then we're gonna go to a little game and
00:20:40 --> 00:20:43 it's just a little fun so if you don't
00:20:43 --> 00:20:46 mind okay first before we get into the
00:20:46 --> 00:20:48 game I'm just going to mention a couple
00:20:48 --> 00:20:50 of subjects and you just tell me what
00:20:50 --> 00:20:52 you feel about it and in this way people
00:20:52 --> 00:20:55 get a chance to know you is that okay
00:20:55 --> 00:20:59 yeah okay so the first
00:20:59 --> 00:21:01 thing is I know you're a big lover of
00:21:01 --> 00:21:01 the
00:21:02 --> 00:21:06 Arts in general so let's talk about your
00:21:06 --> 00:21:09 love for the Arts let's talk about
00:21:09 --> 00:21:11 that um
00:21:11 --> 00:21:15 oh I I developed a love for not just
00:21:15 --> 00:21:18 Performing Arts but art in general so
00:21:18 --> 00:21:19 you know paintings
00:21:20 --> 00:21:21 sculptures
00:21:21 --> 00:21:25 over the course of our
00:21:25 --> 00:21:27 quarantine
00:21:27 --> 00:21:32 um dur during Co it was a um it was an
00:21:32 --> 00:21:35 outlet for me and I didn't know what I
00:21:35 --> 00:21:36 was doing I just picked up a paint brush
00:21:36 --> 00:21:39 and got some canvases and some materials
00:21:39 --> 00:21:40 and just started
00:21:40 --> 00:21:43 creating and it it just became sort of a
00:21:43 --> 00:21:47 therapy for me and
00:21:47 --> 00:21:50 um interestingly
00:21:50 --> 00:21:53 enough I was working on this huge piece
00:21:53 --> 00:21:57 um and it's a three panel sculpture wall
00:21:57 --> 00:21:59 wall sculpture
00:21:59 --> 00:22:03 and my um my my younger brother my my
00:22:03 --> 00:22:05 only sibling passed away while I was in
00:22:05 --> 00:22:09 the middle of it and it was therapeutic
00:22:09 --> 00:22:11 to it took me a while because like I was
00:22:11 --> 00:22:13 in the middle of it but it took me a
00:22:13 --> 00:22:16 while to get back to it um but it it it
00:22:16 --> 00:22:19 made me feel good to to finish it yeah
00:22:19 --> 00:22:25 and to you know see it on my wall and
00:22:25 --> 00:22:28 um yeah and then I'm just like wow this
00:22:28 --> 00:22:30 is is this is cool and so I just kept
00:22:30 --> 00:22:33 doing more and more projects and hang
00:22:33 --> 00:22:34 some of them in the wall and some of
00:22:34 --> 00:22:36 them I'm just not ready for people to
00:22:36 --> 00:22:39 see just yet okay some friends and
00:22:39 --> 00:22:41 family have come over and they've
00:22:41 --> 00:22:42 they've seen my work on the wall and
00:22:43 --> 00:22:44 they were just like what artists is this
00:22:44 --> 00:22:46 I was like well whose name is signed to
00:22:46 --> 00:22:48 it they're just like you did that I'm
00:22:48 --> 00:22:52 like yeah gota a you ever gotta let
00:22:52 --> 00:22:54 everybody see it or you want it to be
00:22:54 --> 00:22:55 something
00:22:55 --> 00:22:59 personal I I think I I think I share
00:22:59 --> 00:23:02 with people my my friends have
00:23:02 --> 00:23:07 encouraged me to um to enter an exhibit
00:23:07 --> 00:23:11 okay people have asked me have asked for
00:23:11 --> 00:23:15 commissioned nice so nice see how you
00:23:15 --> 00:23:17 introduce it is you take a picture of
00:23:17 --> 00:23:19 yourself and you know you do all these
00:23:19 --> 00:23:21 beautiful pictures and then do it at
00:23:21 --> 00:23:23 next two your paintings and and then see
00:23:23 --> 00:23:25 if everybody starts saying stuff about
00:23:25 --> 00:23:28 the pain yeah you know what I like like
00:23:28 --> 00:23:30 that
00:23:30 --> 00:23:33 yeah but yeah it prompted me to you know
00:23:33 --> 00:23:35 I I've always been a lover of the Arts
00:23:35 --> 00:23:37 like you know I love museums every new
00:23:37 --> 00:23:40 city I go to I always want to go to the
00:23:40 --> 00:23:42 museum but
00:23:42 --> 00:23:45 um yeah it just it just made it it grew
00:23:45 --> 00:23:48 my interest and so now I go to exhibits
00:23:48 --> 00:23:51 all the time and there's there's a lot
00:23:51 --> 00:23:54 to be appreciated for self
00:23:54 --> 00:23:57 expressionism um because everybody is so
00:23:57 --> 00:23:58 different everybody has a different from
00:23:58 --> 00:24:00 point of view and it's just interesting
00:24:00 --> 00:24:05 to get a peek into people's psyche and
00:24:05 --> 00:24:09 put that into their art so I I love it I
00:24:09 --> 00:24:12 love it okay now this is this is kind of
00:24:12 --> 00:24:17 crazy this is this is Off the Wall okay
00:24:17 --> 00:24:21 who is your favorite superhero and
00:24:21 --> 00:24:25 why my favorite
00:24:25 --> 00:24:29 superhero y'all don't don't laugh um is
00:24:29 --> 00:24:31 Wonder
00:24:31 --> 00:24:33 Woman she has been my favorite superhero
00:24:33 --> 00:24:36 since I can remember since I was a wee
00:24:36 --> 00:24:39 bitty little girl um and so I'm talking
00:24:39 --> 00:24:42 about Linda
00:24:42 --> 00:24:45 Carter y yeah she she's she's she's
00:24:45 --> 00:24:49 wonderful I'm talking about Linda Carter
00:24:49 --> 00:24:51 um because I felt as
00:24:51 --> 00:24:55 though even though she wasn't a brown
00:24:55 --> 00:24:58 black or brown girl she represented so
00:24:58 --> 00:25:04 much strength and um Power
00:25:04 --> 00:25:06 and
00:25:06 --> 00:25:08 composure that I just I wanted to grow
00:25:08 --> 00:25:10 up and be like that I'm just like I want
00:25:10 --> 00:25:11 I want to be able to walk into a
00:25:11 --> 00:25:13 situation and people underestimate me
00:25:13 --> 00:25:17 and but for me to command the
00:25:17 --> 00:25:21 room and just to take it over if need
00:25:21 --> 00:25:25 be badass so I you know has always been
00:25:26 --> 00:25:30 my favorite favorite superhero I love it
00:25:30 --> 00:25:33 I love it okay stuffing or dressing for
00:25:33 --> 00:25:34 the
00:25:34 --> 00:25:39 holidays that's an interesting
00:25:39 --> 00:25:42 question yeah okay so it's always been
00:25:42 --> 00:25:47 dressing but two years ago I hosted
00:25:47 --> 00:25:49 Thanksgiving at my
00:25:49 --> 00:25:53 home and I have two young women who uh
00:25:53 --> 00:25:55 are a big part of my life they were just
00:25:55 --> 00:25:57 like oh we don't do dressing we do
00:25:57 --> 00:25:59 stuffing I was like okay we'll make it
00:25:59 --> 00:26:00 then I don't know what I don't I don't
00:26:00 --> 00:26:02 know anything about that and it was
00:26:02 --> 00:26:07 delicious it was delicious it was like
00:26:07 --> 00:26:09 what they're very different to me they
00:26:09 --> 00:26:10 might be the same to some people but
00:26:11 --> 00:26:12 they're they're very different but I
00:26:12 --> 00:26:14 like the texture you know they're
00:26:14 --> 00:26:16 there's a lot of texture there and and
00:26:16 --> 00:26:19 stuffing and and and dressing has always
00:26:19 --> 00:26:22 been my favorite part of the holiday a
00:26:22 --> 00:26:25 holiday meal as long as there is
00:26:25 --> 00:26:27 cranberry sauce I don't care if it's
00:26:27 --> 00:26:31 homemade or in a can if it's jell whole
00:26:31 --> 00:26:34 and and gravy love it give me all the
00:26:34 --> 00:26:35 carbs give me
00:26:35 --> 00:26:38 all I'll put the dressing next to the
00:26:38 --> 00:26:42 stuffing and put all this yes all the
00:26:42 --> 00:26:44 carbs okay I need your favorite old
00:26:44 --> 00:26:45 school
00:26:45 --> 00:26:51 artist oh um artist in terms of music
00:26:51 --> 00:26:53 yeah uh what
00:26:53 --> 00:26:56 genre uh let's go with
00:26:56 --> 00:26:59 R&B R&B
00:26:59 --> 00:27:02 my favorite old school
00:27:02 --> 00:27:04 R&B
00:27:04 --> 00:27:06 huh R&B
00:27:06 --> 00:27:11 specifically that's hard if I had to no
00:27:11 --> 00:27:16 he he's not R&B Stevie Wonder Wonder
00:27:16 --> 00:27:18 awesome okay so you said What genre so I
00:27:18 --> 00:27:20 have to ask okay how about let's let's
00:27:20 --> 00:27:23 go with like uh pop or Rock whatever you
00:27:23 --> 00:27:31 want to choose
00:27:31 --> 00:27:37 um that's tough can we do hip hop sure
00:27:37 --> 00:27:40 okay old school hip hop that's kind of
00:27:40 --> 00:27:46 hard too but um I would probably say MC
00:27:46 --> 00:27:49 light nice okay
00:27:49 --> 00:27:53 yeah okay love MC
00:27:53 --> 00:27:57 light yes yes I love it okay sugar the
00:27:57 --> 00:28:00 sugar going grits or
00:28:00 --> 00:28:02 no that's also an interesting question
00:28:02 --> 00:28:04 because for those of your audience
00:28:04 --> 00:28:07 members who don't know I'm from Detroit
00:28:07 --> 00:28:12 and in Detroit grits are more like a
00:28:12 --> 00:28:16 cereal like a hot and so we push I I
00:28:16 --> 00:28:19 grew up putting sugar on my grits okay
00:28:19 --> 00:28:20 and then when I moved to the South they
00:28:20 --> 00:28:22 were just like I'm
00:28:23 --> 00:28:25 me so there Savory in the South and so I
00:28:26 --> 00:28:29 have come to love my grits with you know
00:28:29 --> 00:28:32 salt and pepper and yeah butter um I
00:28:32 --> 00:28:34 don't know how I feel about sugar on my
00:28:34 --> 00:28:36 grits now since I've
00:28:36 --> 00:28:39 been okay spaghet then spaghetti because
00:28:39 --> 00:28:40 that's the same question because people
00:28:40 --> 00:28:42 have that same question about spaghetti
00:28:42 --> 00:28:44 what do you think you mean separate or
00:28:44 --> 00:28:47 together no no does sugar go on
00:28:48 --> 00:28:53 Spaghetti Su oh okay
00:28:53 --> 00:28:56 um to cut the acidity because I love
00:28:56 --> 00:29:00 spaghetti uhhuh acidity I will add sugar
00:29:00 --> 00:29:04 to my spaghetti sauce uh don't like put
00:29:04 --> 00:29:09 it on after it it yeah all right so last
00:29:09 --> 00:29:11 question here tell us something that no
00:29:11 --> 00:29:13 one else knows about
00:29:14 --> 00:29:16 you it could be something quirky it
00:29:16 --> 00:29:18 doesn't have to be
00:29:18 --> 00:29:21 serious something that people don't know
00:29:21 --> 00:29:28 about me is that I am a science nerd m
00:29:28 --> 00:29:33 yeah science and and and
00:29:33 --> 00:29:36 history yeah okay pread pre-physical
00:29:36 --> 00:29:40 therapy before I you know settled into
00:29:40 --> 00:29:43 my career so I I love all things it the
00:29:43 --> 00:29:47 the human body and planet and how we're
00:29:47 --> 00:29:48 all
00:29:48 --> 00:29:51 interconnected is amazing to me and it's
00:29:51 --> 00:29:53 just it's just so fascinating how I love
00:29:53 --> 00:29:57 it yeah how it all works together ah the
00:29:57 --> 00:30:02 prething I know no one knew that about
00:30:02 --> 00:30:05 you awesome awesome well thank you so
00:30:05 --> 00:30:07 much for playing the game with me so we
00:30:07 --> 00:30:11 got a lot out today and is there
00:30:11 --> 00:30:13 anything that you want everybody to you
00:30:13 --> 00:30:16 know else to know about what's coming up
00:30:16 --> 00:30:18 what's going on with you right now as
00:30:18 --> 00:30:20 far as your career is concerned what's
00:30:20 --> 00:30:24 coming up um you can shout out anybody
00:30:24 --> 00:30:26 that you want to thank right now just
00:30:26 --> 00:30:28 I'm giving you the floor to to take us
00:30:28 --> 00:30:32 out of here oh my gosh okay well I'll
00:30:32 --> 00:30:38 start with um I am an acting mentor and
00:30:38 --> 00:30:40 I'm currently partnered with get scen
00:30:40 --> 00:30:43 studios here in Atlanta and so I have
00:30:43 --> 00:30:48 several mentees and our our goal is to
00:30:48 --> 00:30:50 help them achieve their goals so if they
00:30:50 --> 00:30:54 have a goal of of of obtaining an agent
00:30:54 --> 00:30:56 or getting more auditions or you know
00:30:56 --> 00:30:59 whatever it is you you know it's been
00:30:59 --> 00:31:03 rewarding watching my mines grow and
00:31:03 --> 00:31:05 actually you know meet those hit those
00:31:05 --> 00:31:07 marks and just be
00:31:07 --> 00:31:11 successful that's been amazing um I also
00:31:11 --> 00:31:14 have a a production company and we're
00:31:14 --> 00:31:17 looking to start our first project this
00:31:17 --> 00:31:20 year we were kind of postponed for a
00:31:20 --> 00:31:22 while for different reasons but we've
00:31:22 --> 00:31:23 got something on the table a deal on the
00:31:23 --> 00:31:25 table right now so we're working that
00:31:25 --> 00:31:29 out awesome
00:31:29 --> 00:31:34 um as far as my acting career I am
00:31:34 --> 00:31:37 working
00:31:37 --> 00:31:41 on allowing people to see me as my
00:31:41 --> 00:31:45 authentic self yeah
00:31:45 --> 00:31:49 um audience and casting directors so
00:31:49 --> 00:31:51 that they know I'm not like a monolith
00:31:51 --> 00:31:54 you know but we none of us are monolith
00:31:54 --> 00:31:58 and I I'd like people to to
00:31:58 --> 00:32:00 to see me more in a
00:32:00 --> 00:32:04 comedic realm I would love that I would
00:32:04 --> 00:32:07 love that yeah I I I'm really looking
00:32:07 --> 00:32:09 forward to this year I think there are
00:32:09 --> 00:32:13 going to be a lot of projects coming up
00:32:13 --> 00:32:16 um so yeah I'd like I'd like to do some
00:32:16 --> 00:32:17 comedy
00:32:17 --> 00:32:20 awesome okay well listen we a't gonna
00:32:20 --> 00:32:22 take too much more of your time we're
00:32:22 --> 00:32:24 going to get out of here please come
00:32:25 --> 00:32:28 back when your next project is coming up
00:32:28 --> 00:32:30 and let us know everything about it we
00:32:30 --> 00:32:33 love you I love you so so so so so so so
00:32:33 --> 00:32:35 so so
00:32:35 --> 00:32:37 much and we are out of here guys we'll
00:32:37 --> 00:32:41 talk to you later talk to you later Ken
00:32:41 --> 00:32:45 love you bye bye bye