Join hosts Dave and Len as they delve into the latest 'Newz and Trendz' with a unique blend of insights and humor. This week's episode explores LL Cool J's bold declaration of being the most important rapper ever, sparking a lively debate on musical influence and legacy.
They also discuss a heartwarming story about Snoop Dogg's generous gift to his daughter, showcasing his role as an icon and a devoted father. Additionally, the episode takes a serious turn with a discussion on reparations, highlighting recent attempts to address historical injustices in Palm Springs, California.
Get ready for a thoughtful and entertaining analysis of these stories and more, as Dave and Len navigate the complexities of modern culture and societal issues. Whether it's the evolution of hip-hop, the warmth of family bonds, or the pursuit of justice, this episode promises to engage and inform listeners with its rich content and engaging dialogue.
00:00:00 --> 00:00:13 Music.
00:00:13 --> 00:00:21 All right, y'all, get ready for another edition of News and Trends with your host, Dave and Lynn.
00:00:21 --> 00:00:26 Talk to him low How could I possibly be inconspicuous With my flow is f***ing
00:00:26 --> 00:00:31 ridiculous That's quite an accent See I'm from the south With some of the most beautiful,
00:00:31 --> 00:00:35 Welcome, welcome, welcome to News and Trends with Dave and Lynn.
00:00:35 --> 00:00:37 This is one of your hosts, Mr.
00:00:37 --> 00:00:42 David Coker, proprietor of Dave Mark Inc., promoter, event planner,
00:00:42 --> 00:00:44 and all-around good guy.
00:00:44 --> 00:00:50 And you are listening to us through the now part of the MBG Podcast Network.
00:00:51 --> 00:00:56 So definitely check us out through the MBG Podcast Network. And I'm hanging
00:00:56 --> 00:00:58 out with my partner, Mr. Leonard Young. What's happening, sir?
00:00:58 --> 00:01:02 Hey, Dave. Everything is good. this is leonard young ceo
00:01:02 --> 00:01:05 of national black guide black
00:01:05 --> 00:01:08 media specialist all around good guy how's
00:01:08 --> 00:01:11 it go going dave hey i can't
00:01:11 --> 00:01:17 complain man just one day at a time just trying to get through this month man
00:01:17 --> 00:01:24 you know this is the and you know we're we're in the holiday month so time just
00:01:24 --> 00:01:28 going by so fast though man we look we were just prepping for thanksgiving and
00:01:28 --> 00:01:30 now when we get ready for Christmas. You know what I mean?
00:01:31 --> 00:01:36 We're about two weeks away. This almost feels like the point of no return.
00:01:38 --> 00:01:43 After this week, it's all going to happen.
00:01:43 --> 00:01:48 I have not even hit up Amazon yet for my Christmas presents for kids and stuff.
00:01:50 --> 00:01:56 Yeah, that's another thing because I haven't really done anything or thought about my job.
00:01:56 --> 00:02:00 We've got a Pollyanna that we have to do and so forth.
00:02:01 --> 00:02:05 And I was laughing because I was like, gosh, I guess that'd be the first gift
00:02:05 --> 00:02:08 I buy is the Pollyanna gift because I haven't bought anything yet.
00:02:08 --> 00:02:15 So, so, but yeah, it's, it's that time of year, man, a lot going on.
00:02:15 --> 00:02:19 I mean, look, we're in a crazy day and time these days, man.
00:02:19 --> 00:02:23 Cause I was watching something yesterday on TV and they were TMZ.
00:02:23 --> 00:02:27 I was watching TMZ. That's what it was. And TMZ shows this clip.
00:02:28 --> 00:02:32 Mariah Carey doing her concert and the people are fighting at her concert.
00:02:32 --> 00:02:33 Did you see that? No, I didn't.
00:02:36 --> 00:02:40 She's doing a Christmas concert. And this is like the second or third time this
00:02:40 --> 00:02:41 has happened at a concert.
00:02:42 --> 00:02:45 She she's on a christmas concert and you see
00:02:45 --> 00:02:48 these women beating on each other in the
00:02:48 --> 00:02:51 audience i mean it's like four of them and they're
00:02:51 --> 00:02:54 going to town to throw haymakers leonard and they
00:02:54 --> 00:02:57 said this is not the first concert that this has happened that it's
00:02:57 --> 00:03:01 happened at a couple other ones too and apparently huh
00:03:01 --> 00:03:04 of her concerts of her concerts
00:03:04 --> 00:03:07 yeah oh yeah just like her christmas
00:03:07 --> 00:03:10 concerts so apparently they said what
00:03:10 --> 00:03:12 happened was and uh there's like an
00:03:12 --> 00:03:15 audience participation thing that
00:03:15 --> 00:03:21 she does where she'll start singing the song and then have the audience to sing
00:03:21 --> 00:03:27 and sometimes they said that she'll even have like one of her people go out
00:03:27 --> 00:03:32 with the mic and you know you know put the mic in front of people to sing you
00:03:32 --> 00:03:35 know individually but apparently,
00:03:35 --> 00:03:40 what happened in this particular situation that apparently they didn't like
00:03:40 --> 00:03:45 one particular girl didn't like the way the other girl was singing or she was being too loud or,
00:03:46 --> 00:03:50 you know off key or whatever and they started going back and forth and next
00:03:50 --> 00:03:54 thing you know they start fighting man it's crazy but this just tells you a
00:03:54 --> 00:03:56 lot it just tells you a lot about,
00:03:56 --> 00:04:03 where we are the world we live in season of giving yeah and just that But,
00:04:03 --> 00:04:07 you know, our attitudes are.
00:04:08 --> 00:04:11 You know, everything that is off right now since November, well,
00:04:11 --> 00:04:15 since the early part of November, I guess, you know, we're, I guess we're kind
00:04:15 --> 00:04:19 of bracing ourselves for what is about to come.
00:04:20 --> 00:04:24 And not necessarily what everybody might think I'm alluding to,
00:04:24 --> 00:04:28 but it just seems like we're really in a strange place right now.
00:04:29 --> 00:04:33 And I don't know if you feel that way, but that's the way I feel about it.
00:04:34 --> 00:04:36 You know, Dave, it's kind of hard to tell. I feel like this,
00:04:36 --> 00:04:43 and maybe it's all the time, this Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year's is always so busy.
00:04:43 --> 00:04:47 And to be honest, I've been too busy to really pay attention to anything else.
00:04:47 --> 00:04:51 Like i'm what's that how they say in the good time show
00:04:51 --> 00:04:55 shucking and surviving like
00:04:55 --> 00:04:58 i mean i almost feel like that you know i'm i'm
00:04:58 --> 00:05:01 i'm definitely shucking it's not
00:05:01 --> 00:05:04 shucking it's scratching and surviving yeah scratching and
00:05:04 --> 00:05:07 surviving yes so dave we we
00:05:07 --> 00:05:10 are definitely scratching and surviving over here you know
00:05:10 --> 00:05:13 just i mean it's just busy a lot a lot
00:05:13 --> 00:05:16 of moving pieces happen right now well you
00:05:16 --> 00:05:20 have to be careful leonard because you don't want to miss out on you
00:05:20 --> 00:05:22 guys you got to pay attention to there's a lot of weird
00:05:22 --> 00:05:25 things going on i don't know i mean you know like
00:05:25 --> 00:05:28 today was one of those kind of weird days it was
00:05:28 --> 00:05:31 foggy all day i mean that fog
00:05:31 --> 00:05:35 was no joke it wasn't foggy down there no but
00:05:35 --> 00:05:38 you know i i was at home this morning so yeah and
00:05:38 --> 00:05:41 when you were very fog it was it
00:05:41 --> 00:05:44 wasn't it wasn't light fog it was thick fog you know
00:05:44 --> 00:05:46 so and you know so when you see stuff
00:05:46 --> 00:05:49 like that and then i don't know if you've noticed and i'm
00:05:49 --> 00:05:53 not the only one that's noticed this but have you been noticing these weird
00:05:53 --> 00:06:00 streaks in the sky i have not see this is another thing and a couple people
00:06:00 --> 00:06:05 have noticed it you know how when you see like jets and so forth go across the
00:06:05 --> 00:06:08 sky and they have that that smoke behind them you know the stream of smoke.
00:06:09 --> 00:06:14 For some reason, over the last couple of weeks, I've been seeing these.
00:06:15 --> 00:06:22 These lines in the sky from smoke look like come from the back of a jet plane or something like that.
00:06:22 --> 00:06:25 But you don't see the plane. You just see the smoke.
00:06:26 --> 00:06:32 And Sunday when I came out of church, I'm looking in the sky and I see a couple
00:06:32 --> 00:06:36 lines because I was with a couple other people and all of us noticed it.
00:06:36 --> 00:06:39 I said, is it just me or have you been seeing a lot of that lately?
00:06:39 --> 00:06:42 And everybody was saying the same thing. Yeah, I keep seeing that.
00:06:43 --> 00:06:45 What is going on? Are they training people?
00:06:45 --> 00:06:49 I don't know whether they're drones. I don't know what's going on,
00:06:49 --> 00:06:53 but I have noticed this. Were they white lines? White lines.
00:06:53 --> 00:06:55 Yeah. Just like the song?
00:06:56 --> 00:07:02 Oh, Lord. Here we go. Oh, Dave. We already know you. Oh, Lord. White lines. Yeah.
00:07:04 --> 00:07:06 Running through. Anyway.
00:07:08 --> 00:07:11 Anyway. But I'm just saying, pay attention. You'll see what I'm talking about.
00:07:12 --> 00:07:14 Because I'm not the one that noticed them. other people have noticed it
00:07:14 --> 00:07:17 too and I'm like are they doing some kind
00:07:17 --> 00:07:20 of training ops or something what are you
00:07:20 --> 00:07:23 thinking aliens military I don't know control
00:07:23 --> 00:07:26 issues well I'm hoping I'm hoping it's military I
00:07:26 --> 00:07:31 mean you know because maybe doing training or whatever but it's just that I
00:07:31 --> 00:07:39 never noticed it to the to you've seen it lately yeah yeah yes and it just seems
00:07:39 --> 00:07:43 to be certain patterns that is making across the sky and I'm like Okay,
00:07:44 --> 00:07:47 and the fact that when I've said something to somebody else,
00:07:47 --> 00:07:48 somebody else, you know,
00:07:49 --> 00:07:51 other people have said, yes, I have noticed that.
00:07:52 --> 00:07:54 So it's not just me saying this.
00:07:55 --> 00:07:58 So i don't know and you know like i
00:07:58 --> 00:08:01 said i don't know if it's planes because you can't really tell because the objects
00:08:01 --> 00:08:04 are so small right or are they
00:08:04 --> 00:08:06 drones or whatever you know
00:08:06 --> 00:08:09 because now you know now with all the drone usage
00:08:09 --> 00:08:13 anymore you don't know what what's going on so but
00:08:13 --> 00:08:17 let's pay this pay attention if you you you might see what i'm talking about
00:08:17 --> 00:08:21 but just pay attention and you people that are listening let me you know let
00:08:21 --> 00:08:25 me know if you've seen these things too because I have definitely been noticing
00:08:25 --> 00:08:30 over the last couple weeks that I have seen and I don't mean just one day.
00:08:30 --> 00:08:31 I've seen them multiple days.
00:08:33 --> 00:08:43 I'm the same. Other than that, we're still living and making our way towards Christmas.
00:08:45 --> 00:08:48 Then New Year. Whatever the New Year is going to bring.
00:08:48 --> 00:08:56 You know so many things to say here but i won't say them but anyway so we'll
00:08:56 --> 00:09:00 go from there yep keep it moving keep it moving yeah that's what i'm gonna do
00:09:00 --> 00:09:05 so but anyway i guess we got a few things to talk about today so we're going
00:09:05 --> 00:09:08 to go ahead and get into our stories and.
00:09:09 --> 00:09:13 Let's let's see what you guys think about some of the things that we have to
00:09:13 --> 00:09:22 talk about today okay so this first story i saw you know i thought it was interesting that this person,
00:09:22 --> 00:09:26 because he kind of said it about himself but then you know so a lot of people
00:09:26 --> 00:09:32 were agreeing with him but um this story is about ll cool j and he said that
00:09:32 --> 00:09:37 he's the most important rapper that ever existed let me give you a little backdrop
00:09:37 --> 00:09:40 on this and then you and i can have a little conversation.
00:09:40 --> 00:09:48 So it says LL Cool J, the multi-hypernet entertainer, who in 2024 released his
00:09:48 --> 00:09:52 14th studio album, The Force,
00:09:52 --> 00:09:55 nearly 40 years after releasing the debut album,
00:09:56 --> 00:10:03 Radio, recently sat down to do an interview on Apple Music,
00:10:04 --> 00:10:07 where he humbly told the
00:10:07 --> 00:10:10 host that one day people are going to wake
00:10:10 --> 00:10:13 up and realize that he is the most important rapper that
00:10:13 --> 00:10:20 has ever existed now look i'm an ll cool j fan this person said but i re i still
00:10:20 --> 00:10:30 remember the first time i saw the video called a video mama said knock you out and how i was.
00:10:32 --> 00:10:40 Ready to defend LL Cool J as the best rapper in the game after the album of the same name dropped.
00:10:41 --> 00:10:47 It was in 1990, and I was 11 years old, this person said. I had good taste even back then.
00:10:47 --> 00:10:53 I've always been a fan of LL, even though I think with some time to sit with
00:10:53 --> 00:11:01 and analyze that if catalog is probably not as good as it is important,
00:11:01 --> 00:11:04 we'll get back to this of course
00:11:04 --> 00:11:07 the one thing that cannot be accounted for when he
00:11:07 --> 00:11:10 tried when trying to analyze a 1995
00:11:10 --> 00:11:15 world in 2024 is
00:11:15 --> 00:11:18 what it felt like when say when say
00:11:18 --> 00:11:26 mr smith dropped the phenomenal the phenomenon that was a lover or lounging
00:11:26 --> 00:11:32 cannot be summed up in words you You truly did have to be there to understand
00:11:32 --> 00:11:37 just how big of a deal LL Cool J was.
00:11:39 --> 00:11:43 I'm going to stop here with what the story is about.
00:11:44 --> 00:11:47 I'm just going to say, now, I remember when LL came out.
00:11:49 --> 00:11:57 My favorite LL video to this day, I mean, was his very first video that they ever played on bed.
00:11:58 --> 00:12:01 Right. classic yeah that
00:12:01 --> 00:12:04 was classic the video was the video was
00:12:04 --> 00:12:07 good i mean it's funny
00:12:07 --> 00:12:10 because nothing like he did back then that's so funny
00:12:10 --> 00:12:13 but just the
00:12:13 --> 00:12:17 fact that he played like this hardcore superhero
00:12:17 --> 00:12:20 type guy you know in the video and it
00:12:20 --> 00:12:24 was just a very good video
00:12:24 --> 00:12:27 and the song hit hard that's always
00:12:27 --> 00:12:30 been my favorite song oh wow by him so so
00:12:30 --> 00:12:33 now i'm gonna knock you out and i mean
00:12:33 --> 00:12:36 i like i like i like a lot of his other don't
00:12:36 --> 00:12:39 get me wrong i like his other a lot of his other stuff don't
00:12:39 --> 00:12:42 get me wrong but it was that first impression right
00:12:42 --> 00:12:45 that kind of got that did it for me that did it for me
00:12:45 --> 00:12:48 and the context of the song because at
00:12:48 --> 00:12:51 that time ll came out and
00:12:51 --> 00:12:54 all that came out punching man he he was not playing
00:12:54 --> 00:12:57 with them people back then and he came out and
00:12:57 --> 00:13:02 just said i'm the man and you're gonna have to pay attention to me 40 years
00:13:02 --> 00:13:07 later you have to pay he's saying you still have to pay attention to me you
00:13:07 --> 00:13:15 know so he just released his 14th studio album is he the most influential or the.
00:13:17 --> 00:13:22 However way you want to put it, rapper of all time, what's your opinion about that?
00:13:22 --> 00:13:26 So, you know, I think it's hard.
00:13:26 --> 00:13:31 I feel like athletes and music people always want to claim the greatest of all
00:13:31 --> 00:13:35 time or most influential or the best, the first.
00:13:36 --> 00:13:40 Do I feel like he's the most influential of all time? No.
00:13:41 --> 00:13:45 Do you put him in your top three, top five? Maybe top 50.
00:13:46 --> 00:13:50 Wow. No. But Dave, I mean... The disrespect.
00:13:50 --> 00:13:53 Oh, my God. No, I mean, Dave, I mean, it's not even disrespect,
00:13:54 --> 00:13:58 but, you know, so LL Cool J would probably last really, really,
00:13:58 --> 00:14:01 really popular in what? Maybe early 80s? The 80s?
00:14:02 --> 00:14:05 No, he had some hits in the 90s. Yeah, I mean, he might have had a hit or two,
00:14:05 --> 00:14:08 but he wasn't, like, popular.
00:14:08 --> 00:14:11 You know, like, back in the 80s, girls probably throwing their panties at him.
00:14:12 --> 00:14:13 But they still throwing their panties.
00:14:15 --> 00:14:21 But I could say, you know, back when he first came out and, you know,
00:14:21 --> 00:14:28 I'm bad and those songs, I could definitely see him as a lot more influential than he is now.
00:14:29 --> 00:14:34 But, you know, Dave, when I think about influential for somebody who's been
00:14:34 --> 00:14:39 over the course of, you know, however many, I guess, 30 to 40 years, like LL Cool J.
00:14:40 --> 00:14:47 And i mean not to be biased but for somebody that age i would be thinking influential means,
00:14:47 --> 00:14:56 giving back to the community advocating for social rights you know kind of defending black issues,
00:14:57 --> 00:15:00 and and dave to be honest when george floyd you
00:15:00 --> 00:15:03 know when george floyd was murdered do you remember what ll
00:15:03 --> 00:15:05 cool j was doing you pressed my
00:15:05 --> 00:15:09 memory uh i mean i i don't
00:15:09 --> 00:15:11 know but you know I thought you
00:15:11 --> 00:15:15 were going to go somewhere with that oh no but you mean that he wasn't out there
00:15:15 --> 00:15:20 in the streets let me say this I don't know what he was on he may have been
00:15:20 --> 00:15:29 or he may not have been but we definitely know that well I think we know we may not know but in my,
00:15:29 --> 00:15:35 thought pattern when I think of people advocating for black issues let's say
00:15:35 --> 00:15:37 pushing Kamala pushing Obama I'm, uh.
00:15:39 --> 00:15:42 I can't say, you know, LL Cool J is that person.
00:15:42 --> 00:15:47 And, you know, I think that's something that to me would make him influential
00:15:47 --> 00:15:52 if he transcended music to really fight for other cultural issues.
00:15:52 --> 00:15:56 Now, if he's talking about influential because he influenced a lot of rappers,
00:15:56 --> 00:15:57 you know, people wanting to rap.
00:15:58 --> 00:16:01 I mean, yeah, to a point. But if you ask some of these rappers now,
00:16:02 --> 00:16:05 they could probably they may not be able to name an LL Cool J song.
00:16:05 --> 00:16:10 So I mean a lot of these rappers probably don't even know that he raps they
00:16:10 --> 00:16:13 probably think isn't he on CSI or something like that yeah.
00:16:15 --> 00:16:21 So we talk about influential I don't consider when I think of influential he
00:16:21 --> 00:16:26 doesn't come to mind now if you say he's a legend an icon I mean I could go
00:16:26 --> 00:16:32 with that but most influential ever I'm not sure if I can buy that so you don't
00:16:32 --> 00:16:34 believe he's in the GOAT conversation,
00:16:35 --> 00:16:38 you know i think it's hard and they you know the same thing with sports.
00:16:39 --> 00:16:43 I feel like the goat conversations usually always
00:16:43 --> 00:16:46 come to the people who are most recent in the
00:16:46 --> 00:16:49 conversation so like i mean it michael
00:16:49 --> 00:16:53 jordan was so far ahead of his time that he still talked
00:16:53 --> 00:16:55 about it as you know a goat even though lebron james and
00:16:55 --> 00:16:59 you know maybe kobe and all that but i
00:16:59 --> 00:17:02 don't feel like ll was far enough ahead of
00:17:02 --> 00:17:04 his time that he can be in that
00:17:04 --> 00:17:10 conversation for today's culture okay i mean what what about you what are your
00:17:10 --> 00:17:16 thoughts okay well you know that's a very interesting take and you know i know
00:17:16 --> 00:17:23 i think he's relevant when it comes to the go conversation okay,
00:17:24 --> 00:17:29 Because of his longevity and the fact that, you know, I listened to a couple
00:17:29 --> 00:17:33 of songs from the most recent album and, you know, the boy still got skills.
00:17:34 --> 00:17:37 I mean, he was there were a couple of songs that I really was,
00:17:37 --> 00:17:40 you know, bobbing my head to. I ain't gonna lie.
00:17:40 --> 00:17:45 I mean, you know, so I was like, yeah, he's still lyrically and everything.
00:17:45 --> 00:17:51 He's still there, you know, you'll hear any of those songs on the radio. I haven't.
00:17:52 --> 00:17:58 I heard them. when they released the album, because what was it? DAS.
00:17:59 --> 00:18:02 I was listening to power DAS or what's the power 99.
00:18:02 --> 00:18:08 I think I was listening to power 99 and they do like a, they dropped like five
00:18:08 --> 00:18:15 songs from the album for you to listen to, you know, as like a sort of like a listening thing.
00:18:15 --> 00:18:20 And, you know, but I haven't heard any of those songs in rotation.
00:18:20 --> 00:18:24 Right. You know what I mean? So like on, you know, on the radio or anything.
00:18:24 --> 00:18:31 So, but, you know, I think that, you know, lyrically and everything,
00:18:32 --> 00:18:35 you know, talent-wise, I still think he still has it.
00:18:36 --> 00:18:46 Now, who I would say I would rate more iconic, more goadish,
00:18:46 --> 00:18:52 I'm going to make up a word there, goadish, than him, Snoop.
00:18:52 --> 00:18:56 Okay and i i can go with that yeah luke
00:18:56 --> 00:18:59 is just like transcending and you look it look up
00:18:59 --> 00:19:02 man that dude is everywhere you know
00:19:02 --> 00:19:08 he's marketing this he's marketing that he's part of a martha store he's been
00:19:08 --> 00:19:13 on wwe that connection right there has opened so many doors for him you know
00:19:13 --> 00:19:19 and the fact that they have a genuine relationship and it's not just about marketing.
00:19:20 --> 00:19:24 It's the fact that, you know, that just says a lot about who he is.
00:19:24 --> 00:19:29 And Snoop, one thing about Snoop, he does not hide anything about who he is. No.
00:19:30 --> 00:19:33 You know? And, you know, one thing I think about, too, is, you know,
00:19:34 --> 00:19:35 you know how taboo weed smoking?
00:19:36 --> 00:19:41 Yeah. You know? And, I mean, it's less than that. They legalize so much.
00:19:41 --> 00:19:43 But anywhere Snoop goes, you
00:19:43 --> 00:19:47 always hear people say, oh, he was blowing up the green room. You know?
00:19:47 --> 00:19:50 And, Dave, you know, this was you or me. and we
00:19:50 --> 00:19:53 went in there trying to smoke some some weed or something
00:19:53 --> 00:19:56 like that they kick us out so quick they would
00:19:56 --> 00:19:59 i mean you know you think
00:19:59 --> 00:20:03 about it you know the guy the guy is and
00:20:03 --> 00:20:06 i think that's what has made him has
00:20:06 --> 00:20:09 helped to make him into who he is it's because
00:20:09 --> 00:20:12 there's no pretense about him he's not trying
00:20:12 --> 00:20:16 to say he's not trying to be somebody he's not
00:20:16 --> 00:20:19 he's trying he's not worried about the image
00:20:19 --> 00:20:22 you know because snoop snoop is
00:20:22 --> 00:20:25 all hollywood but he can also be all all
00:20:25 --> 00:20:32 the hood at the same time you know what i mean so so yes i think he is transcending
00:20:32 --> 00:20:38 i think he's influential and i think yeah he definitely is is a goat definitely
00:20:38 --> 00:20:42 has a status above ll i agree i'm
00:20:42 --> 00:20:46 I'm going to say this other name, but of course, you know, right now, you know.
00:20:46 --> 00:20:54 He got a few things going on right about now, but Jay-Z is another one.
00:20:54 --> 00:20:58 I mean, you know, if you look at his rap career, we know that Jay-Z can come
00:20:58 --> 00:21:05 off his mountain and make a song anytime he want to and sell records and get
00:21:05 --> 00:21:07 radio play and all of that stuff,
00:21:07 --> 00:21:09 you know, because he's who he is.
00:21:09 --> 00:21:12 He's one of the greatest lyricists of all time
00:21:12 --> 00:21:15 and you know the guy is one of
00:21:15 --> 00:21:18 the great greatest marketing people of
00:21:18 --> 00:21:23 all time when it comes to marketing the stuff that he does i gotta put jay-z
00:21:23 --> 00:21:29 above him you know he's also i mean i i agree with that no debate yeah and i'm
00:21:29 --> 00:21:37 also gonna you know what this now this is gonna be okay okay i know you i know you guys like connie,
00:21:37 --> 00:21:41 no i you know it's funny i could say kanye
00:21:41 --> 00:21:43 but we all know kanye got some
00:21:43 --> 00:21:49 issues and but as far as his lyrics and his writing and the stuff that kanye
00:21:49 --> 00:21:53 has done he stands there with everybody else you know what i mean he really
00:21:53 --> 00:21:57 does but you know you just got to put up with all the other stuff with kanye
00:21:57 --> 00:22:01 right so um but no i'm gonna throw a female in there.
00:22:02 --> 00:22:08 Latifah. Disagree. Well, not necessarily for her catalog,
00:22:09 --> 00:22:17 but because she has took herself from being a rapper to becoming this multi-challenged
00:22:17 --> 00:22:23 person who's been nominated for a Tony, who's been nominated for a Grammy,
00:22:23 --> 00:22:25 who's been nominated for an Oscar.
00:22:26 --> 00:22:33 You know, this woman has taken the hip-hop roots that she has And,
00:22:33 --> 00:22:37 you know, she's released albums as a singer. She's released albums as a rapper.
00:22:38 --> 00:22:44 She has marketed herself into this big, big person, this big celebrity.
00:22:45 --> 00:22:52 Now, you could disagree with her because I don't know. Why do you disagree, by the way? Tell me why.
00:22:52 --> 00:22:57 So I disagree because, you know, when I think of influential, I think of influence.
00:22:57 --> 00:23:02 And I don't feel like people
00:23:02 --> 00:23:10 you know young women and I'll just say now are influenced by Queen Latifah I
00:23:10 --> 00:23:14 mean not to say I'm corny but I don't hear nobody say oh I want to be the next
00:23:14 --> 00:23:20 Queen Latifah or you know Queen Latifah inspired me to do this this and this.
00:23:20 --> 00:23:27 You ever listen you ever hear Missy Elliott talk about what made her get into the Raptors game,
00:23:27 --> 00:23:30 no the hip-hop she said she watched
00:23:30 --> 00:23:34 queen latifah perform so and
00:23:34 --> 00:23:37 that she said she watched and she said i want to
00:23:37 --> 00:23:44 do that you know i know there was a there's a clip that goes around on instagram
00:23:44 --> 00:23:50 one of the award shows that queen latifah with the song that she did does with
00:23:50 --> 00:23:55 brandy and I want to be down. I think that's what it is.
00:23:55 --> 00:24:03 And you know, there's Brandy, her, Yo-Yo, I think, and somebody else I forget who the other person is.
00:24:03 --> 00:24:10 Oh, MC Light. So they all have a part in the song.
00:24:10 --> 00:24:16 Queen Latifah is the last person to perform. So when each person does a song,
00:24:16 --> 00:24:21 everybody gets hyped especially when Brandy comes out and does her part but
00:24:21 --> 00:24:25 queen's the last person to come out then people lost their mind when queen latifah
00:24:25 --> 00:24:30 walked out there man and started doing her part you know i'm telling you she's
00:24:30 --> 00:24:35 more respected and more more acclaimed than a lot of people give her credit for it because,
00:24:36 --> 00:24:43 what what female can you name that has a bigger presence than her in the rap
00:24:43 --> 00:24:51 in in hip-hop that started in hip-hop that turned it into what she turned her career into.
00:24:51 --> 00:24:53 I can't think of anybody bigger.
00:24:54 --> 00:24:59 Can you? And I mean, I understand. It's probably just a personal opinion.
00:25:00 --> 00:25:01 I don't consider her that.
00:25:02 --> 00:25:04 That's what it sounds like.
00:25:06 --> 00:25:13 So, but anyway, but going back to the LL thing, LL can be in a conversation,
00:25:13 --> 00:25:16 but he ain't the conversation. Right.
00:25:16 --> 00:25:21 That's what I'm saying. And I'm sure, I don't know how you guys might feel about it.
00:25:22 --> 00:25:30 I know there's a lot of LL fans out there but is LL bigger than Jay-Z? Is LL bigger than Snoop?
00:25:30 --> 00:25:34 I mean is he bigger than Kendrick Lamar right now?
00:25:35 --> 00:25:40 Of course not. I mean Of course not. That's what I'm saying.
00:25:41 --> 00:25:46 We got people out there that say Lil Wayne. Is he bigger than Lil Wayne?
00:25:46 --> 00:25:52 I mean there's a lot of people that LL you know would have to,
00:25:52 --> 00:25:58 you know, would LL win if there was a one-off against those people?
00:25:58 --> 00:26:01 You know what I mean? So, you know, that type of thing.
00:26:02 --> 00:26:05 So you guys let us know what you guys think.
00:26:05 --> 00:26:08 I mean, you know, I saw it and I was saying to myself, well,
00:26:08 --> 00:26:13 that's a big claim right there to make, you know.
00:26:14 --> 00:26:17 Yeah, you got the longevity. I mean, is he even bigger than Will Smith?
00:26:18 --> 00:26:22 I don't think so. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. you know you got the long you
00:26:22 --> 00:26:26 might have the album you know you might have the studio albums and all of that
00:26:26 --> 00:26:30 stuff and you got some hits you definitely got some hits but,
00:26:31 --> 00:26:35 those those hits make you bigger than the people that I just named,
00:26:36 --> 00:26:43 and so far I don't think you think so I don't think so so let's see what you
00:26:43 --> 00:26:48 guys think so we'll put that out there for you guys to let us know what your thoughts are,
00:26:49 --> 00:26:57 okay so we're going to move on to our next story go ahead sir yep so for our next one on.
00:26:59 --> 00:27:02 Our next story so this is one that i thought was interesting dave
00:27:02 --> 00:27:05 and this actually happened in our hometown probably
00:27:05 --> 00:27:08 our backyard we had it happened at
00:27:08 --> 00:27:11 our local wilmington library jaleo white
00:27:11 --> 00:27:17 who everyone probably knows from playing the character urkel or urkel or yeah
00:27:17 --> 00:27:25 steve urkel on family matters stefan yes stefan yes he was commenting on the
00:27:25 --> 00:27:28 relevance of family matters and black culture.
00:27:28 --> 00:27:31 And it was kind of interesting what he had to say. So I just want to play some
00:27:31 --> 00:27:34 of this and then we can talk about it a little bit.
00:27:35 --> 00:27:44 GIF brand sometimes makes you feel like you don't completely belong in the pantheon of blackness.
00:27:45 --> 00:27:50 Blackness has been treated as a very monolithic experience in entertainment.
00:27:50 --> 00:27:53 If it's not a hood story, it's not a black story.
00:27:54 --> 00:27:57 And you know sometimes I feel left out of that you know
00:27:57 --> 00:27:59 so it's like you know like if there's any if there's ever
00:27:59 --> 00:28:03 a poll and they say oh what are your favorite black shows and
00:28:03 --> 00:28:08 you know Martin is in there or Living Single or any of those guys I already
00:28:08 --> 00:28:12 know we coming in last but if there's ever a poll and it's just like your favorite
00:28:12 --> 00:28:16 family shows and suddenly Martin's not in there or whatever all of a sudden
00:28:16 --> 00:28:21 we rank really high and so it's kind of interesting in how we look it ourselves,
00:28:22 --> 00:28:24 to be quite honest, even as black folks.
00:28:24 --> 00:28:28 And somehow I became a symbol for.
00:28:30 --> 00:28:33 Black men being a part. So I'm going to stop it right there.
00:28:33 --> 00:28:39 So basically, you know, what he's trying to say or what he is saying is that,
00:28:39 --> 00:28:44 you know, Family Matters being a black show because, you know, it's a black cast.
00:28:45 --> 00:28:52 Black culture doesn't embrace Family Matters as one of the better black shows.
00:28:53 --> 00:28:57 And of course, they growing up, I specifically remember Family Matters.
00:28:57 --> 00:29:00 I remember I was in middle school when it first came out. And I wanted to be
00:29:00 --> 00:29:02 home every Friday to watch Family Matters.
00:29:02 --> 00:29:07 But, you know, one thing that he said that I thought was interesting and contradictory,
00:29:07 --> 00:29:14 what he said at the same time was that if we talk about our favorite black shows,
00:29:14 --> 00:29:17 you know, we're talking about Martin, whatever other shows.
00:29:17 --> 00:29:20 But if we talk about our favorite family
00:29:20 --> 00:29:23 shows he said family matter ranks high and i
00:29:23 --> 00:29:27 feel like that's almost for any type of genre for
00:29:27 --> 00:29:30 a show so like okay at the same point dave
00:29:30 --> 00:29:34 if i talked about my favorite black cartoons they may
00:29:34 --> 00:29:37 not rank high on my favorite black
00:29:37 --> 00:29:40 show list but if i'm talking about my favorite black
00:29:40 --> 00:29:43 cartoons then you know whatever you
00:29:43 --> 00:29:48 know boondocks may rank high you know i mean so i
00:29:48 --> 00:29:50 understand what he's saying but to me it kind of sounded a little
00:29:50 --> 00:29:53 bit of bitterness and a little bit of resentful almost like
00:29:53 --> 00:29:57 he wanted to be in that black culture conversation
00:29:57 --> 00:30:01 but dave you know at the same time i thought family matter was a great show
00:30:01 --> 00:30:06 you know for for what it was you know i mean there wasn't and i mean i think
00:30:06 --> 00:30:10 it's a credit to him to the day everybody know who steve urkel is you know like
00:30:10 --> 00:30:14 you say steve urkel and like You don't have to explain that to too many people.
00:30:15 --> 00:30:18 What are your thoughts? Yeah.
00:30:21 --> 00:30:29 There's a lot to unpack in not only what you just said, but a lot of what he said, too.
00:30:29 --> 00:30:33 Because I've watched that interview that he did at the library.
00:30:33 --> 00:30:36 Because I was interested in seeing what he had to say.
00:30:37 --> 00:30:39 He was one of the most.
00:30:41 --> 00:30:45 Recognizable samples what
00:30:45 --> 00:30:49 being blacklisted could do
00:30:49 --> 00:30:51 or typecast could i mean i
00:30:51 --> 00:30:55 didn't mean blacklisted typecast could do being typecast
00:30:55 --> 00:30:59 could do to your career okay you
00:30:59 --> 00:31:03 know we've heard about typecasting all throughout tv
00:31:03 --> 00:31:07 and hollywood for years you know
00:31:07 --> 00:31:11 one of the biggest casts that it happened to was you
00:31:11 --> 00:31:14 know gilligan's island cast back in the day you know
00:31:14 --> 00:31:17 a lot of them couldn't get jobs after that show went off because everybody knew
00:31:17 --> 00:31:22 them as those particular parts and nobody would take them serious in other parts
00:31:22 --> 00:31:28 adam west who played batman talked about for a good part of his career after
00:31:28 --> 00:31:32 playing batman he couldn't get a part because everybody knew him as batman.
00:31:33 --> 00:31:36 A lot even the good times cast a lot
00:31:36 --> 00:31:39 of them couldn't get jobs doing anything else
00:31:39 --> 00:31:42 because everybody normally especially the children
00:31:42 --> 00:31:49 knew them as michael jj and delvin you know so urkel talked about having that
00:31:49 --> 00:31:58 issue too for a long time you know because people knew him as steve Urkel that
00:31:58 --> 00:32:00 character became such a big character,
00:32:01 --> 00:32:05 and it wasn't supposed to be because people people don't know he was only supposed
00:32:05 --> 00:32:11 to be on that show for you know one episode or a couple episodes and that was
00:32:11 --> 00:32:15 supposed to be it but his you know he was so over the top.
00:32:16 --> 00:32:22 With his you know portrayal of this character people wanted to see more of and
00:32:22 --> 00:32:24 you know who he said he borrowed his style from?
00:32:24 --> 00:32:26 Who was that? Pee Wee Herman.
00:32:28 --> 00:32:32 That's where he came up that's where he came up with the whole,
00:32:32 --> 00:32:36 nerdish look that he had it was a peewee herman rip
00:32:36 --> 00:32:40 you know so but when
00:32:40 --> 00:32:43 you when you hear him talk you know outside of
00:32:43 --> 00:32:46 you know in interviews and everything he always
00:32:46 --> 00:32:50 seems to have a little bit of bitterness
00:32:50 --> 00:32:53 to him i've heard him talking a couple different.
00:32:53 --> 00:32:56 Interviews because he had
00:32:56 --> 00:32:59 a hard time getting roles after that show right and
00:32:59 --> 00:33:02 you know there was and then there was a lot that went on in
00:33:02 --> 00:33:05 the show because you know he wasn't very well liked by his cast
00:33:05 --> 00:33:09 members yeah i know specifically harriet yeah because
00:33:09 --> 00:33:12 that show was supposed to be about her you know
00:33:12 --> 00:33:15 because remember that was a spin-off that show
00:33:15 --> 00:33:18 was a spin-off from the show i don't know if you remember bosom buddies
00:33:18 --> 00:33:21 ah okay she was
00:33:21 --> 00:33:24 the elevator operator that worked the
00:33:24 --> 00:33:28 elevator in the store that the bosom buddies worked in and
00:33:28 --> 00:33:30 so she would always be doing she was sort of
00:33:30 --> 00:33:34 like marla gibbs character on the jeffersons she
00:33:34 --> 00:33:37 would always have these wise cracks and everything when
00:33:37 --> 00:33:39 they get on the elevator and everything but that show was
00:33:39 --> 00:33:42 a spinoff from that show so she
00:33:42 --> 00:33:46 was supposed to be like the star her and
00:33:46 --> 00:33:49 then they brought in reginald bell johnson who
00:33:49 --> 00:33:52 just you know was on the diehard movie and
00:33:52 --> 00:33:55 brought him in so those two were supposed to be the main
00:33:55 --> 00:34:01 big people of the show then basically steals the show from so they never were
00:34:01 --> 00:34:08 really big fans of his so so he you know he had a lot to say about what went
00:34:08 --> 00:34:14 on you know and so forth and yes he is correct you know and i don't I know I'm
00:34:14 --> 00:34:15 being a little long-winded here.
00:34:15 --> 00:34:21 But he was correct in saying what he was saying because family matters.
00:34:21 --> 00:34:23 And I used to have it on all the time because of my kids.
00:34:25 --> 00:34:30 Loved the show but it wasn't your typical black show because it remember it
00:34:30 --> 00:34:37 was on tgis you know it was other you know but it was the show of color around
00:34:37 --> 00:34:39 a bunch of white shows you know and.
00:34:41 --> 00:34:44 And the way they shot it and the
00:34:44 --> 00:34:49 way and the music that played like the theme song it wasn't the black is you
00:34:49 --> 00:34:55 know it was all white kind of yeah you know so they try to downplay the blackness
00:34:55 --> 00:35:02 of the show by making it light hearted humor or what some people call white
00:35:02 --> 00:35:04 hearted humor you know so,
00:35:05 --> 00:35:11 and so it was hard to be accepting them in the same realm that you would accept
00:35:11 --> 00:35:16 a Martin or Jamie Foxx show or Living Single or something like that because
00:35:16 --> 00:35:17 those shows were black shows
00:35:17 --> 00:35:24 But unfortunately for those shows, they got treated as black shows because, you know,
00:35:24 --> 00:35:31 if you ever hear Queen Lativa and them talk about living single and how Friends
00:35:31 --> 00:35:33 was a ripoff of Living Single.
00:35:33 --> 00:35:39 Yeah, they always are. And they paid them all a million dollars an episode while
00:35:39 --> 00:35:43 Queen Lativa and them were barely getting $30 or $40 an episode.
00:35:44 --> 00:35:51 Using the same concept, you know? So, so, you know, I can, I can see why he
00:35:51 --> 00:35:55 was, you know, a lot of the bitterness and a lot of the stuff that he had to say.
00:35:55 --> 00:36:01 Yeah. I could see that. And I could see why people didn't accept it necessarily as a black show.
00:36:01 --> 00:36:05 We forget that it was a black show because of what happened,
00:36:05 --> 00:36:09 you know, it was doing because of when it was shown and how it was shown,
00:36:10 --> 00:36:14 but that show was on 10 years. A lot of people don't even know that was on 10 years.
00:36:14 --> 00:36:18 Right. You know, but it was, you know, it lasted a very long time.
00:36:19 --> 00:36:22 Why did it last a long time? Because of the way they presented it.
00:36:22 --> 00:36:26 Because Queen of the Seablin, they got five years. Martin got five years.
00:36:26 --> 00:36:31 You know, those shows didn't get to last longer than that. What got 10 years? Friends.
00:36:33 --> 00:36:37 Seinfeld. Those kind of shows got 10 years. Well, because of the format and
00:36:37 --> 00:36:42 the way that they shot Family Matter, that's why they got 10 years.
00:36:43 --> 00:36:46 So so here we are you know jaleel white
00:36:46 --> 00:36:49 you know now of course jaleel white was doing some
00:36:49 --> 00:36:52 scenes behind i mean some stuff behind the scenes like you know
00:36:52 --> 00:36:55 during that time he was also the voice of sonic in
00:36:55 --> 00:36:58 the sonic cartoon a lot of people didn't know that until you
00:36:58 --> 00:37:01 saw the credits come up and you see his name come across the screen
00:37:01 --> 00:37:04 so so he said you
00:37:04 --> 00:37:07 know that kept him financially set for
00:37:07 --> 00:37:10 years because him doing that voice you know so
00:37:10 --> 00:37:13 and a couple other um voiceovers that
00:37:13 --> 00:37:15 he said he did but he said when he first got finished that show
00:37:15 --> 00:37:18 he had a hard time getting he was taking roles whatever he
00:37:18 --> 00:37:21 can get you know so but that's
00:37:21 --> 00:37:25 you know that's what happens we don't get widely accepted
00:37:25 --> 00:37:28 that way right it was interesting the whole the college
00:37:28 --> 00:37:31 if you ever get a chance to listen to the whole interview i strongly
00:37:31 --> 00:37:34 suggest listening to it it was pretty
00:37:34 --> 00:37:38 interesting because of course he was promoting his book apparently there's
00:37:38 --> 00:37:41 a lot in his book that he talks about a lot of stuff that you
00:37:41 --> 00:37:44 know you know he kind
00:37:44 --> 00:37:47 of shed some light on a lot of stuff i'm gonna put it that way that
00:37:47 --> 00:37:53 went on back then you know you know he seems to be in a great place now he has
00:37:53 --> 00:37:59 a lot of stuff going for him but you know but you know he's on this set you
00:37:59 --> 00:38:06 know as a kid and he's a millionaire you know he's making all this money he was the highest he.
00:38:07 --> 00:38:18 He was earning more money than a lot of his bosses as a kid you know so but
00:38:18 --> 00:38:22 you also have to deal with a whole bunch of scrutiny and everything at the same time so.
00:38:24 --> 00:38:27 Less worried about sorry uh you know when that kind
00:38:27 --> 00:38:31 of stuff when i hear that kind of stuff and you know you get into and especially
00:38:31 --> 00:38:35 i remember very clearly a lot of the stuff that went on because a lot of those
00:38:35 --> 00:38:41 shows leonard a lot of those shows had a lot of issue with on set you know behind
00:38:41 --> 00:38:46 the you know behind the camera you know what i mean there was a lot of stuff going on,
00:38:47 --> 00:38:49 and especially for people like him,
00:38:50 --> 00:38:52 Jimmy Walker, who played J.J.
00:38:52 --> 00:38:54 On The Good Times set.
00:38:54 --> 00:39:00 You know, a lot of these people who were breakout stars from these TV shows.
00:39:01 --> 00:39:09 Really were alienated or got alienated because of their stardom and how it happened.
00:39:10 --> 00:39:14 And so it really, you know, a lot of those shows were not happy sets.
00:39:14 --> 00:39:17 They just went to work got their checks and
00:39:17 --> 00:39:20 kept it moving oh yeah i'm sure yeah i
00:39:20 --> 00:39:24 don't doubt it at all yeah yeah it's crazy so but
00:39:24 --> 00:39:27 any anything else you want to add about that no i
00:39:27 --> 00:39:30 mean that that was it so of course anyone who
00:39:30 --> 00:39:33 wants to see the whole thing they can check it out for themselves and yeah
00:39:33 --> 00:39:37 you can go with any additional context that you know we missed they can they
00:39:37 --> 00:39:40 can check it out yeah it was it was a good interview though i was glad that
00:39:40 --> 00:39:46 that you know i i just want to say kudos to what they're doing over there at
00:39:46 --> 00:39:50 the Wilmington Library with bringing in all of these celebrities.
00:39:50 --> 00:39:54 And they don't seem to have a problem with coming. They seem willing to come
00:39:54 --> 00:39:58 and they seem to have a good time whenever they come to these do these little
00:39:58 --> 00:40:02 sit down and talks and whatever chat, these chats with people.
00:40:03 --> 00:40:07 And people turn out. I mean, they definitely go to see these things.
00:40:08 --> 00:40:14 So shout out to the Wilmington Library and everyone involved with that bringing
00:40:14 --> 00:40:18 the entertainers into Wilmington. It's really a good thing.
00:40:20 --> 00:40:25 All right. Moving on to our next story. I actually was watching,
00:40:28 --> 00:40:31 Jennifer Hudson's show last, was that last week or the week before?
00:40:32 --> 00:40:35 No, last week. Yeah, last week when this happened.
00:40:36 --> 00:40:41 Grandpa Snoop Dogg gives his daughter $1 million as a wedding gift.
00:40:42 --> 00:40:46 Is this what you're going to do for your daughter, man, by the way? I mean, prayerfully.
00:40:47 --> 00:40:55 Prayerfully, okay. But Dave, you know, in about 20 years, $1 million probably be like, no, $300, $130.
00:40:58 --> 00:41:03 But yeah, I was watching this when it happened because Jennifer happened to ask Snoop.
00:41:03 --> 00:41:09 He said, what is the gift that you, the biggest gift that you ever gave your daughter?
00:41:10 --> 00:41:14 So here's the story. It says Snoop has gone on.
00:41:14 --> 00:41:18 Is going all out to support his daughter, Corey.
00:41:20 --> 00:41:25 As she plans her upcoming wedding, gifting her a walloping $1 million.
00:41:27 --> 00:41:33 The 25-year-old who was engaged to Wayne Deuce shared how her famous dad has
00:41:33 --> 00:41:36 been by her side, both emotionally and financially.
00:41:36 --> 00:41:41 During a recent appearance on The Jennifer Hudson Show, Corey revealed what
00:41:41 --> 00:41:44 it's like growing up with the legendary rapper.
00:41:44 --> 00:41:51 He's just so supportive. Sometimes I'm like, wait, This is my dad?
00:41:51 --> 00:41:55 He's such a legend. This is what your kids say about you, I understand.
00:41:56 --> 00:42:02 But he is always there for me and shows me everything I need to know in life.
00:42:03 --> 00:42:04 She's there. She's there.
00:42:06 --> 00:42:10 I think a lot of people have expectations because I am his daughter,
00:42:10 --> 00:42:13 but I just try to be me at all times.
00:42:14 --> 00:42:18 Corey got engaged to her fiancé, Wayne Deuce, in November 2023.
00:42:18 --> 00:42:21 2023 the couple is starring in a new e
00:42:21 --> 00:42:25 docuseries snoop's fatherhood for
00:42:25 --> 00:42:28 you and wayne story did you you didn't hear about that well no
00:42:28 --> 00:42:32 i mean i just think it's funny that he gave them money then he got them money
00:42:32 --> 00:42:37 you know i mean yeah yeah well you know hey that's what makes them iconic man
00:42:37 --> 00:42:42 you know that's where i need to go which will follow the couple as they plan
00:42:42 --> 00:42:47 their wedding with a guest list of 750 people. That's a lot of people, man.
00:42:48 --> 00:42:51 Despite the challenges they faced along their journey, Snoop,
00:42:52 --> 00:43:00 who's been married for 27 years, offers real-life advice about love and marriage.
00:43:00 --> 00:43:04 I'm going to be honest with you. When you're young and you're in love,
00:43:04 --> 00:43:07 the best advice you can give people is experience.
00:43:08 --> 00:43:14 They had to experience that on their own, he said. I can't live her life.
00:43:14 --> 00:43:21 I can't give her advice of things that I've done because her life isn't my life.
00:43:21 --> 00:43:24 She has to experience these things for herself.
00:43:25 --> 00:43:30 Sue also opened up about his admiration for Wayne, saying he knew the relationship
00:43:30 --> 00:43:35 was real, was the real deal when Wayne asked for Corey's hand in marriage.
00:43:35 --> 00:43:41 He shared that he was calling Wayne his son-in-law even before the proposal.
00:43:41 --> 00:43:44 In preparation for the wedding Luke gave the
00:43:44 --> 00:43:48 couple an incredible wedding gift a whopping one
00:43:48 --> 00:43:53 million dollars she hasn't opened it yet it was a million dollars for her wedding
00:43:53 --> 00:44:00 he said he joked that if it was his wedding it would have cost a hundred dollars
00:44:00 --> 00:44:06 a hundred thousand and I would have kept 900 in my pocket you know so.
00:44:07 --> 00:44:09 He said so,
00:44:10 --> 00:44:13 You know, matter of fact, when he was talking about the million dollars,
00:44:13 --> 00:44:15 because she asked him, well, you know,
00:44:16 --> 00:44:20 that's when she asked about Jennifer Hudson asked about the,
00:44:20 --> 00:44:24 what's the best, the biggest gift or best gift that he ever gave her.
00:44:24 --> 00:44:26 He said, well, it's a million dollars for a wedding.
00:44:26 --> 00:44:30 Well, see, she didn't, that's when she found out about it on the show,
00:44:30 --> 00:44:32 apparently, because she looked at him and said, what?
00:44:32 --> 00:44:36 You know, he said, yeah, she didn't know she hasn't opened it yet.
00:44:36 --> 00:44:40 You know so you've had to get in a million dollars
00:44:40 --> 00:44:42 for your well yeah well you said you're going to do that and um when
00:44:42 --> 00:44:45 your daughter gets married so yes well you
00:44:45 --> 00:44:48 know prayerfully i mean if i got it like that but i can
00:44:48 --> 00:44:55 tell you how it looks right now well i mean maybe i just take out a loan with
00:44:55 --> 00:45:00 you no no no don't try to put me in that no just go to the bank that's all you
00:45:00 --> 00:45:06 got do that but yeah i'll put it like this i'm not thinking out no long to get to give it away,
00:45:07 --> 00:45:10 that's for sure yeah well
00:45:10 --> 00:45:15 yeah you're going into debt for it either right so yeah definitely but that
00:45:15 --> 00:45:20 i mean that's cool just i mean you imagine though i mean these kids today are
00:45:20 --> 00:45:25 different like we we say this almost every week you know every time we do this
00:45:25 --> 00:45:30 show they're a little bit different these days because you know.
00:45:31 --> 00:45:35 Even when he said it, you know, Steve smiled and so forth, but you know,
00:45:35 --> 00:45:39 here's, she's Snoop's daughter. A million dollars is going to impress her?
00:45:40 --> 00:45:43 It might impress the fiance.
00:45:44 --> 00:45:49 I mean, when you grow up with money and probably lavish like she has,
00:45:49 --> 00:45:53 to be honest, she might have been mad it wasn't, saying a million wasn't enough.
00:45:53 --> 00:45:55 I know, those were bad, you know.
00:45:56 --> 00:46:03 But, I mean, it's just that, you know, I mean, of course, he's got the money
00:46:03 --> 00:46:06 and we know Snoop is out here doing his thing.
00:46:06 --> 00:46:11 And one thing he's always presented himself to be, because I know with some
00:46:11 --> 00:46:17 of his other shows, like I know when he had his docuseries on in the past or whatever,
00:46:18 --> 00:46:21 you know, he always seems that his kids always seem generally to care,
00:46:22 --> 00:46:24 you know, about him. And he always cared about his kids.
00:46:24 --> 00:46:28 I know him and his wife had some issues over the years, but they're still married.
00:46:29 --> 00:46:30 They're still together, you know.
00:46:32 --> 00:46:36 So he really seems like a very sincere person.
00:46:36 --> 00:46:41 And anytime you hear him talk about his kids, he seems really sincere about
00:46:41 --> 00:46:45 whatever he's saying about them. So I think that's pretty cool.
00:46:46 --> 00:46:52 You know, I think that's a great thing to do as a father, especially if you're
00:46:52 --> 00:46:56 in approval of the marriage and so forth.
00:46:56 --> 00:46:59 And I just think, you know, especially with that particular young lady,
00:46:59 --> 00:47:02 because, you know, she's had some health problems over the years.
00:47:02 --> 00:47:06 And, you know, here she is planning her wedding when a couple of years ago,
00:47:06 --> 00:47:08 remember, she was really, really sick.
00:47:09 --> 00:47:12 And they didn't know she was going to make it there for a little bit.
00:47:12 --> 00:47:15 So, so, so that's really cool.
00:47:15 --> 00:47:18 And I thought it was a pretty good story. and especially
00:47:18 --> 00:47:23 here we are talking about you know mr double
00:47:23 --> 00:47:26 g and you know
00:47:26 --> 00:47:29 but here we see him in a father role you know
00:47:29 --> 00:47:32 and you know being supportive of
00:47:32 --> 00:47:35 of his of his daughter so i thought that
00:47:35 --> 00:47:38 was pretty cool story but it's good that we don't have
00:47:38 --> 00:47:41 to hear the bad stories because right now every time
00:47:41 --> 00:47:44 we turn around man right you know
00:47:44 --> 00:47:48 somebody going down you know what i mean about that i ain't going down you know
00:47:48 --> 00:47:54 so you got any comments any other comments about that no i mean congratulations
00:47:54 --> 00:48:00 or wish it was me i'm sorry i wish it was me on the receiving yeah well i kind
00:48:00 --> 00:48:03 of knew what you meant there yeah okay all right.
00:48:04 --> 00:48:08 Okay all right we're going to go ahead and move on to this next story.
00:48:09 --> 00:48:12 Came across this story because I thought it was an interesting story as well.
00:48:13 --> 00:48:18 Says, the title goes, their homes were destroyed with little notice.
00:48:18 --> 00:48:24 Decades later, a settlement attempt to make amends. So this is an interesting
00:48:24 --> 00:48:26 story. This is the backdrop.
00:48:26 --> 00:48:32 Image from Gloria Holland's childhood remains clear in her mind.
00:48:32 --> 00:48:37 A man dressed only in his underwear, standing outside his front door,
00:48:37 --> 00:48:43 pleading that his house in the Section 14 area of Palm Springs,
00:48:43 --> 00:48:46 California, not be demolished.
00:48:46 --> 00:48:48 The man ran in for several minutes
00:48:48 --> 00:48:54 until a bulldozer leveled the structure and he scampered to safety.
00:48:54 --> 00:49:01 I was eight or nine years old, Holland, now 70, said from her home outside Atlanta.
00:49:02 --> 00:49:09 It was the first time I saw a grown man cry, and it was traumatizing.
00:49:09 --> 00:49:17 The man in Holland were among 195 Black and Latino families whose homes were
00:49:17 --> 00:49:26 bulldozed and burned to the ground with little to no notice in the late 1950s and early 60s.
00:49:26 --> 00:49:32 The land owned by Native Americans had always been coveted by city officials
00:49:32 --> 00:49:35 who wanted Palm Springs,
00:49:35 --> 00:49:42 downtown area, to grow with luxury hotels and shops and building up a city known
00:49:42 --> 00:49:49 as a celebrity playground about 115 miles east of Hollywood.
00:49:49 --> 00:49:55 On Friday we were notified that we had to take anything we wanted out of our
00:49:55 --> 00:50:00 houses by Monday just two days that.
00:50:03 --> 00:50:06 That was it. It was awful.
00:50:07 --> 00:50:15 In 2022, the Section 14 Survivors Group filed a complaint against the city seeking
00:50:15 --> 00:50:22 restitution for hundreds of homes lost and lives suddenly upended.
00:50:22 --> 00:50:29 Earlier this month, the Palm Springs City Council unanimously voted to approve
00:50:29 --> 00:50:38 a multilevel settlement offered to former residents and descendants of those
00:50:38 --> 00:50:42 who lived in the Black and Latino neighborhood.
00:50:42 --> 00:50:48 It is the responsibility of the City of Palm Springs to compensate individuals
00:50:48 --> 00:50:55 for destruction of personal property, said Council Member Lisa Middleton during the hearing.
00:50:55 --> 00:50:59 We broke something that was yours, and now we need to pay for it.
00:51:00 --> 00:51:10 As part of the settlement, 1 people will share $5.9 million in direct cash payments.
00:51:10 --> 00:51:17 The city also agreed to explore naming a community park in honor of this place
00:51:17 --> 00:51:26 a public monument to the legacy of the former residents and to establish a cultural healing center.
00:51:26 --> 00:51:34 The city also approved $21 million in housing and economic development programs
00:51:34 --> 00:51:40 to address past discrimination against Black and Latino residents.
00:51:40 --> 00:51:45 Which includes $10 million for first-time homeowners,
00:51:46 --> 00:51:53 homebuyers assistance program, and $10 million to establish a community land trust.
00:51:54 --> 00:52:01 The city will also fund a $1 million small business program designed for empowering
00:52:01 --> 00:52:06 local business initiatives for men and marginalized communities.
00:52:07 --> 00:52:13 It's been a journey full of emotions from sadness, anger, frustration to exhilaration,
00:52:13 --> 00:52:18 said Ariba Martin, the attorney who represented the Section 14 survivors for
00:52:18 --> 00:52:21 two years in the pursuit of justice.
00:52:21 --> 00:52:26 I knew that the conversation around reparations is a difficult one for a lot of people,
00:52:27 --> 00:52:33 particularly older black people, many whom have experienced so much racial trauma,
00:52:33 --> 00:52:37 but have been conditioned to live with it, not to complain about it,
00:52:38 --> 00:52:41 to repress it, and in some ways ignore it.
00:52:42 --> 00:52:52 That's an awesome story there. I mean, now, I think, and here we are talking about reparations.
00:52:52 --> 00:52:57 You and I talked about reparations in the past. It all seems to be in the same
00:52:57 --> 00:52:58 state, too. Have you noticed that?
00:52:59 --> 00:53:02 Yeah, I mean, a lot of California is very forward-moving.
00:53:02 --> 00:53:10 Yeah, and these sections of California are all high-profile sections that they
00:53:10 --> 00:53:14 obviously didn't want us in at that time, those times that we were there.
00:53:14 --> 00:53:18 But yet we were, you know, I don't know if you know, a lot of times we were
00:53:18 --> 00:53:23 persuaded to move there, you know, in those sections, San Francisco,
00:53:23 --> 00:53:27 San Diego, and here in Palm Springs.
00:53:29 --> 00:53:33 You think that they did enough i mean
00:53:33 --> 00:53:36 it's a great story to hear that they're giving
00:53:36 --> 00:53:40 them reparations and they're you know they
00:53:40 --> 00:53:43 got 1200 people splitting 12 5.9 million
00:53:43 --> 00:53:46 dollars what do you think about that right there
00:53:46 --> 00:53:49 yes i mean it's definitely not enough so this story
00:53:49 --> 00:53:53 was going all over the internet about a month ago and of course you know people
00:53:53 --> 00:53:57 broke out their calculators they i feel like it came out they were he's got
00:53:57 --> 00:54:03 about five thousand dollars yeah which isn't it's not a lot i mean the millions
00:54:03 --> 00:54:08 sound like a lot but 12 000 you know people getting it so i mean it was 1200,
00:54:09 --> 00:54:16 yeah i'm sorry so i mean it's definitely not enough now is it a start is it better than nothing.
00:54:17 --> 00:54:20 Yeah i mean kind of but you
00:54:20 --> 00:54:22 know hopefully you know as more and
00:54:22 --> 00:54:25 more of these reparation cases build
00:54:25 --> 00:54:28 up i mean hopefully the next one can
00:54:28 --> 00:54:31 use this one as an example and maybe to be
00:54:31 --> 00:54:34 honest maybe they'll get 10 000 maybe and that's why
00:54:34 --> 00:54:37 yeah and that's why i think that
00:54:37 --> 00:54:40 that's why i said it's an awesome story because it's the
00:54:40 --> 00:54:43 start of something yeah you know it's definitely the
00:54:43 --> 00:54:46 start now it's interesting that they took the
00:54:46 --> 00:54:49 larger money to use towards
00:54:49 --> 00:54:52 communities you know the community and so forth
00:54:52 --> 00:54:55 like that 20 that 21 million that they got you
00:54:55 --> 00:54:59 know towards other programs and so forth to
00:54:59 --> 00:55:02 help develop other things that's where
00:55:02 --> 00:55:09 the bigger money went so but even still the fact that they they are giving some
00:55:09 --> 00:55:13 monies out because keep i mean that's a long time i mean you know we're talking
00:55:13 --> 00:55:20 about the 50s and the 60s and that money didn't start to go out until, you know, recently.
00:55:21 --> 00:55:28 So, you know, so now, of course, obviously we don't have any good accountants
00:55:28 --> 00:55:32 out there because they should have put inflation and all that other stuff in there.
00:55:32 --> 00:55:36 But, I mean, but at least they're giving something back, you know.
00:55:37 --> 00:55:44 Now, those people who definitely were, I mean, there's a few survivors that
00:55:44 --> 00:55:48 are still around. You know, you figured the person that started telling the
00:55:48 --> 00:55:52 story in the very beginning. She was eight or nine years old. She's 70 now.
00:55:52 --> 00:55:58 So you imagine the people that were adults, the people that had the homes at that time,
00:55:59 --> 00:56:04 You know, I'm sure none of them are living anymore. Oh, no, I won't be. I'm sure. Yeah.
00:56:05 --> 00:56:11 And, you know, so unfortunately, they didn't get a chance to get any,
00:56:11 --> 00:56:13 you know, the money back.
00:56:13 --> 00:56:17 And just imagine, you know, if you didn't get all your stuff out of those homes
00:56:17 --> 00:56:20 and they came through and just bulldozed everything and everything,
00:56:21 --> 00:56:23 you lost a lot of stuff at that time.
00:56:23 --> 00:56:26 Or Dave, you know, even if you just think about appreciation,
00:56:27 --> 00:56:30 because what were that 40s and 50s or what were the years?
00:56:30 --> 00:56:34 They said 50s and 60s. Yeah. So, I mean, we know at the minimal,
00:56:34 --> 00:56:36 that was about 75 years ago.
00:56:37 --> 00:56:41 Whatever the houses were there would have doubled, tripled, maybe even quadrupled,
00:56:42 --> 00:56:44 you know, because it's California and it's a nice area.
00:56:45 --> 00:56:52 So, I mean, I'm not sure. To be honest, maybe that 5.9 million was all the money they had to give.
00:56:52 --> 00:56:55 But you know and we even talked about it if you
00:56:55 --> 00:56:58 can't give money you know give give me tax
00:56:58 --> 00:57:02 property get property or something but you
00:57:02 --> 00:57:05 know even they give me 20 years of not
00:57:05 --> 00:57:08 having to pay taxes you know or or
00:57:08 --> 00:57:11 wipe out my student loan wipe out
00:57:11 --> 00:57:14 you know any tax debt but i mean i feel like
00:57:14 --> 00:57:17 there's other things they could have gave them besides you know
00:57:17 --> 00:57:20 just money where they also could
00:57:20 --> 00:57:23 have gained them an acre or two i'm sure
00:57:23 --> 00:57:26 they could have found somewhere to do that say hey look we
00:57:26 --> 00:57:31 took land from you we're going to give you land back yeah so
00:57:31 --> 00:57:37 and i'm sure you know i mean they they're using that money to develop other
00:57:37 --> 00:57:42 places i mean you know so i'm sure that they'll figure out something you know
00:57:42 --> 00:57:47 more to do i'm glad that they were able to score a win,
00:57:48 --> 00:57:54 you know to get something you know because you know what was that movie that that.
00:57:55 --> 00:57:58 Jordan phil did when the family
00:57:58 --> 00:58:01 moved no not get out the one that came out
00:58:01 --> 00:58:04 after that when the family moved yeah and
00:58:04 --> 00:58:07 they moved to california they moved to california it was
00:58:07 --> 00:58:10 the husband and wife and the woman ended up getting possessed or
00:58:10 --> 00:58:13 something you remember that one was that us yeah
00:58:13 --> 00:58:18 there i think that was us yeah yeah and that was basically the story because
00:58:18 --> 00:58:23 remember they moved to a white neighborhood the guy got a promotion okay i know
00:58:23 --> 00:58:30 what she's talking yeah yeah was that man no that was not us that was them them them yeah.
00:58:35 --> 00:58:39 Yeah and it was all about the same thing remember they moved into california
00:58:39 --> 00:58:44 into a white neighborhood and they didn't want them there you know and all the
00:58:44 --> 00:58:46 stuff that went on so but yeah,
00:58:47 --> 00:58:54 type of thing you know we i'm glad that it was the attention was brought to it and hopefully,
00:58:55 --> 00:58:58 some of these other towns because we know about the the places that
00:58:58 --> 00:59:01 happened down in florida and georgia you know that where
00:59:01 --> 00:59:06 they basically put those towns underwater you heard about all yeah we talked
00:59:06 --> 00:59:12 about yeah yeah yeah so you know so maybe this maybe they're looking at these
00:59:12 --> 00:59:18 type notifications all over the country now of course we got tulsa what happened in tulsa so you know,
00:59:19 --> 00:59:23 so you know maybe this will give traction to
00:59:23 --> 00:59:28 some of the other things that need to be rectified in other areas so we'll see
00:59:28 --> 00:59:32 we'll see but i just thought i wanted i wanted to bring that to the attention
00:59:32 --> 00:59:37 because i just thought that is you know even though you know the financial part
00:59:37 --> 00:59:42 could be better the fact that they don't they are doing something I thought was a great story,
00:59:44 --> 00:59:53 okay all right so that brings us to Leonard's favorite part of the show we're wrapping up,
00:59:54 --> 01:00:00 wrapping up okay I mean you said favorite part of the show Dave.
01:00:01 --> 01:00:07 I thought we were closing it out I thought we were closing this show out He
01:00:07 --> 01:00:09 can't help himself, folks. He can't help himself.
01:00:10 --> 01:00:16 But like I said, Dave's Corner, Leonard Travers, part of the show where we ask
01:00:16 --> 01:00:19 a little philosophical questions and stuff like that.
01:00:20 --> 01:00:25 But this is my, this is Dave's Corner today. This is what I wanted to ask you.
01:00:25 --> 01:00:28 I got three simple questions for you.
01:00:29 --> 01:00:32 What makes you sad? What makes you angry?
01:00:33 --> 01:00:38 What makes you happy about the state of the world today?
01:00:39 --> 01:00:42 So let's start with real quick. Go ahead, Dave.
01:00:44 --> 01:00:47 Don't don't mind me. I'm just typing. Yeah. OK.
01:00:49 --> 01:00:54 Yeah. So what makes you sad? First of all, what makes you sad about the state
01:00:54 --> 01:00:56 of affairs that in the world today?
01:00:59 --> 01:01:01 So i'm not really sure i think what what would make me
01:01:01 --> 01:01:04 sad is the way that some of our kids are
01:01:04 --> 01:01:07 growing up and i just feel like they're they're
01:01:07 --> 01:01:10 lacking so much and i mean some i blame on the parents some
01:01:10 --> 01:01:13 i blame on society but you know just when
01:01:13 --> 01:01:16 i look at and i'll just give a quick example i was looking
01:01:16 --> 01:01:20 at this video yesterday where this boy had
01:01:20 --> 01:01:22 was mouthing off to a teacher and he approached the teacher
01:01:22 --> 01:01:26 and the teacher literally threw him against the through him um
01:01:26 --> 01:01:29 across the room and it just made me think about how
01:01:29 --> 01:01:32 like you know bad some of
01:01:32 --> 01:01:34 these kids are you know so but you know i just feel
01:01:34 --> 01:01:38 like a lot of these youth lack structure and support mentorship
01:01:38 --> 01:01:41 jobs opportunities so i mean
01:01:41 --> 01:01:43 that that's a little and unfortunately dave most of
01:01:43 --> 01:01:46 them are black and brown kids so you know
01:01:46 --> 01:01:50 that's a little sad nick okay what
01:01:50 --> 01:01:58 makes you angry i can't say i don't know if anything makes me angry the only
01:01:58 --> 01:02:03 thing i can say probably makes me angry are the people out there who are scamming
01:02:03 --> 01:02:09 stealing robbing taking advantage of hard-working people and their hard-worked money.
01:02:11 --> 01:02:15 Okay. Yeah, that's a good one there. I like that.
01:02:16 --> 01:02:20 And Dave, I say that after my Facebook got hacked and I was so mad,
01:02:20 --> 01:02:22 but it's like, who do you direct that at?
01:02:22 --> 01:02:25 Who do you direct that anger at? I know.
01:02:26 --> 01:02:30 I almost wonder if it's Zuckerberg and self-hacking stuff. Yeah,
01:02:30 --> 01:02:34 or Dave, even all what do you call it with your credit cards?
01:02:36 --> 01:02:40 That stuff can make you really mad, but it's such an anonymous...
01:02:40 --> 01:02:45 You got to change your whole world, man, you know, when it comes to that kind of stuff.
01:02:46 --> 01:02:48 One little charge that you know you didn't make and you were like,
01:02:49 --> 01:02:53 I got to cancel my card and update everything. I got to cancel my card. Yeah, it's crazy.
01:02:54 --> 01:02:57 And don't let them have to mail you a card in the mail. Then you got to wait
01:02:57 --> 01:02:59 seven to ten business days.
01:03:00 --> 01:03:03 Thank God I don't have to worry about it. I can go in and write into the bank
01:03:03 --> 01:03:07 and get one. But, you know, thank God. In fact, Dave, what bank are you going to?
01:03:08 --> 01:03:09 So what makes you happy?
01:03:11 --> 01:03:14 So you know what makes me happy is just i feel
01:03:14 --> 01:03:17 like there's just so many opportunities out there and i know it's
01:03:17 --> 01:03:22 cliche to say if you you know work hard and stay consistent but i mean with
01:03:22 --> 01:03:27 technology you know i feel like if you're if you have hustle and you have some
01:03:27 --> 01:03:32 drive you know there's so many opportunities that you can still do to make a
01:03:32 --> 01:03:35 good good living decent living good life,
01:03:36 --> 01:03:41 you know, so I look forward to taking advantage of all the opportunities I can as well.
01:03:42 --> 01:03:45 Okay. All right. Now, what about you, Dave?
01:03:46 --> 01:03:51 All right. What makes you sad about the state of the world today?
01:03:51 --> 01:03:55 What makes me sad? You know, I have to agree with you.
01:03:55 --> 01:04:00 You kind of took the words out of my head is the young people.
01:04:00 --> 01:04:10 But a little bit slight difference, though, is that They don't seem to be connected to family.
01:04:12 --> 01:04:16 They after, you know, they're fine for a little period of time.
01:04:16 --> 01:04:24 And then all of a sudden, once they are able to discover things that things
01:04:24 --> 01:04:31 that command their attention, like electronics or whatever the case may be, games or whatever,
01:04:31 --> 01:04:37 other people, other children, they just totally forget about family and tend
01:04:37 --> 01:04:39 to be doing their own thing.
01:04:39 --> 01:04:42 And, you know, it's a different way.
01:04:42 --> 01:04:48 It's a different day and time from when, you know, and how we were raised coming up as kids.
01:04:49 --> 01:04:53 And they don't play anymore. I mean, you know, they don't go outside and play.
01:04:54 --> 01:05:01 They don't know. They don't have friends like, you know, where,
01:05:01 --> 01:05:07 you know, you go outside and a bunch of you are playing a game or having a good time.
01:05:08 --> 01:05:13 You just don't see that anymore and you don't feel it anymore. That makes me sad.
01:05:14 --> 01:05:18 Yep. I can definitely agree with that. And not only do they not play,
01:05:18 --> 01:05:22 they don't know the people in their neighborhoods. They don't speak to kids on the bus.
01:05:23 --> 01:05:27 It's weird. It's scary. It really is. It really is.
01:05:28 --> 01:05:34 So that's what makes you sad. Yeah. Now, what about what makes you angry about
01:05:34 --> 01:05:40 the state of the world today? What makes me angry is blatant racism.
01:05:42 --> 01:05:51 I mean, it's obvious that we're in a really bad time right now where there's
01:05:51 --> 01:05:58 just so much obvious racism going on and how it's just...
01:05:59 --> 01:06:03 It's almost like it's a way of life anymore. I mean, you know,
01:06:03 --> 01:06:09 I mean, it's not the same kind of racism that was going on during the 50s and the 60s.
01:06:09 --> 01:06:13 It's different. You know, it's more mean.
01:06:13 --> 01:06:19 It's more. I mean, even though things were bad back then, this is psychological racism.
01:06:19 --> 01:06:25 You know, it's messing with people's heads. You know, I mean,
01:06:25 --> 01:06:28 you know, you get a new president of the United States. The first thing he said
01:06:28 --> 01:06:30 he's going to do is pardon the people.
01:06:30 --> 01:06:34 I mean, yeah, other criminals.
01:06:34 --> 01:06:37 Yeah. The criminals are going to pardon other criminals. Yeah.
01:06:37 --> 01:06:42 What kind of mess is that? You know, and the fact that he's going to do it and
01:06:42 --> 01:06:45 get away with it really makes no sense.
01:06:45 --> 01:06:49 And these people died January 6th.
01:06:50 --> 01:06:56 People died at the hands of these people that are in jail. And people got hurt that day.
01:06:57 --> 01:07:03 I mean, but this type of racism, you know, I mean, not just that,
01:07:03 --> 01:07:07 but I mean, there's so much going on in the world today when it comes to racism.
01:07:08 --> 01:07:11 That's, you know, that man, I'm getting angry. Just think about it,
01:07:11 --> 01:07:15 you know, so that that makes me angry. It really does.
01:07:16 --> 01:07:23 I'll leave it there. I don't want to get fined. I'm just here because I don't want to get fined.
01:07:23 --> 01:07:25 We got to keep the FCC on. Yeah, I know.
01:07:26 --> 01:07:31 There you go. All right. So last part, Dave, what makes you happy about the
01:07:31 --> 01:07:32 state of the world today?
01:07:33 --> 01:07:38 I think we're going to a place that we used to see.
01:07:40 --> 01:07:46 Cartoons like the Jetsons and some of the other futuristic cartoons where we're
01:07:46 --> 01:07:51 getting to driverless cars and, you know,
01:07:51 --> 01:07:57 cars that could fly and technology that you don't, you know,
01:07:57 --> 01:08:04 that you can talk to a device and get everything you need spoken right back
01:08:04 --> 01:08:10 to you, you know or or present it back to you on the screen and all of that type of stuff and.
01:08:11 --> 01:08:15 You know i mean change is good the only
01:08:15 --> 01:08:18 the only thing is i mean with all with all
01:08:18 --> 01:08:21 the the great ideals and the great things that are
01:08:21 --> 01:08:24 coming our way especially with the
01:08:24 --> 01:08:29 ai with ai and all the other stuff it's it
01:08:29 --> 01:08:31 will make things easier for people it will you know
01:08:31 --> 01:08:34 i mean it makes things easier for us i mean you know
01:08:34 --> 01:08:37 now you you you can go you
01:08:37 --> 01:08:40 can go to something on your phone or on your computer or
01:08:40 --> 01:08:44 your your other devices and you you
01:08:44 --> 01:08:48 can't necessarily you can't necessarily think everything you want to say and
01:08:48 --> 01:08:54 you just put a few words in and it creates a beautiful message for you and all
01:08:54 --> 01:08:59 you can do is smile you know that makes you happy you know i just think we're
01:08:59 --> 01:09:02 in a place that things could be so much easier.
01:09:02 --> 01:09:07 Now, I don't want it to be at the expense of people losing their jobs or anything
01:09:07 --> 01:09:17 like that, but if it's a chance to make things easier for us and make the world a better place, I'm off.
01:09:18 --> 01:09:20 Yeah, I mean, I can definitely agree with that.
01:09:22 --> 01:09:30 Makes me happy. And I also say, you know, the fact that, and this is just, you know,
01:09:31 --> 01:09:36 additional caveat to that is that I, something else that makes me happy is the
01:09:36 --> 01:09:44 fact that I was able to do something a couple of times, exactly three times to be exact,
01:09:45 --> 01:09:48 in becoming someone's father.
01:09:49 --> 01:09:50 That made me happy too.
01:09:52 --> 01:09:56 Yeah, I mean, I can agree with that. I mean, the payoff don't seem like now,
01:09:56 --> 01:09:59 but I'm sure that payoff will feel something a little later. Yeah.
01:10:02 --> 01:10:08 So, there you have it, folks. What makes you sad? What makes you angry?
01:10:09 --> 01:10:10 And what makes you happy?
01:10:10 --> 01:10:14 Give us your answers on how you feel about those questions.
01:10:15 --> 01:10:21 Let us know. You can put it in, you know, on a page or,
01:10:21 --> 01:10:25 you know, of course, you can go to Apple and, you know,
01:10:26 --> 01:10:30 you can do a review and make comments and everything on Apple, on podcasts.
01:10:30 --> 01:10:34 And, you know, you got a lot of ways you can reach out to us.
01:10:34 --> 01:10:37 And, of course, you can reach out to us independently as well.
01:10:38 --> 01:10:42 Facebook and Instagram, you know, we're there. So, but we always,
01:10:42 --> 01:10:47 like always, we always want to thank you for taking the time to listen to us.
01:10:47 --> 01:10:51 And I guess you saw, for those of you that aren't close to me,
01:10:51 --> 01:10:55 you might have saw a post that I presented earlier this week in reference,
01:10:56 --> 01:10:57 over the weekend, I should say,
01:10:58 --> 01:11:03 in reference to us moving up from number four to number three on the feed spot.
01:11:04 --> 01:11:08 60 podcasts, entertainment podcast.
01:11:09 --> 01:11:16 So we want to thank everyone for listening and those who help us to get there.
01:11:17 --> 01:11:23 It's something that we truly, truly love to do and try to keep you guys informed
01:11:23 --> 01:11:27 and along with bringing on great guests on top of it.
01:11:27 --> 01:11:30 So we want to say thank you in reference to that as well too.
01:11:31 --> 01:11:32 Leonard, anything you want to add?
01:11:33 --> 01:11:38 Nope. I just hope, uh, you know, everyone enjoys this Christmas time because
01:11:38 --> 01:11:39 they're going to about a week.
01:11:40 --> 01:11:42 It's going to get hectic. People are going to be stressed.
01:11:42 --> 01:11:46 So, uh, you know, this, this may be the calm before the Christmas storm.
01:11:47 --> 01:11:52 If I can say it like that. How about that? Yeah. How about that? Yeah.
01:11:52 --> 01:11:56 We never know because uh between the
01:11:56 --> 01:12:00 christmas storm and then the new year oh yeah that's
01:12:00 --> 01:12:03 another new year's blizzard yeah yeah
01:12:03 --> 01:12:09 that's another thing do you think we're getting snow this year man yes yeah
01:12:09 --> 01:12:13 i kind of feel that too i don't know why i feel like well i i feel like i've
01:12:13 --> 01:12:18 been hearing that this year is going to be a bad or maybe not a bad but a worse
01:12:18 --> 01:12:22 or will be worse than last year was No,
01:12:22 --> 01:12:28 we had that one kind of bad snow last year, but it should be interesting.
01:12:29 --> 01:12:31 We'll see. We'll see. Yes, we shall.
01:12:32 --> 01:12:38 All right. Well, thank you guys for listening, and we will talk to you again
01:12:38 --> 01:12:40 next week. Talk to you then.
01:12:44 --> 01:12:49 Join us next week for another edition of News and Trends with your host.